



我正在尝试通过Lambda函数将记录插入RDS中的Postgres数据库中.我的Node.js lambda函数在本地运行时可以正常运行,但是在AWS中运行时数据库连接会超时.

I'm trying to insert records into a Postgres database in RDS from a Lambda function. My Node.js lambda function works correctly when run locally, but the database connection times out when run in AWS.

我已经阅读了几篇文章和教程,这些文章和教程表明AWS Lambda函数无法访问VPC内的RDS实例.例如: http://ashiina.github.io/2015/01/amazon-lambda-first-impression/

I've read several articles and tutorials which suggest that AWS Lambda functions cannot access RDS instances that are within a VPC. For example: http://ashiina.github.io/2015/01/amazon-lambda-first-impression/

不幸的是;看来我无法创建VPC外部存在的RDS实例. 在此下拉菜单中,我希望能够为无VPC"或类似选项选择一个选项.

Unfortunately; it seems I am unable to create an RDS instance that exists outside of a VPC. At this dropdown I would expect to be able to select an option for "No VPC" or something along those lines.


Has this option been removed? Perhaps I have missed a step?



You can create a publicly accessible RDS instance. Then you should be able to access it from anywhere, inside or outside AWS. I believe that would get around your issue with Lambda. You are asked if the instances needs to be publicly accessible when you create a new RDS instance via the web console.


Or you could just wait a few weeks, as Lambda within a VPC is supposed to be enabled "later this year".


Note that newer Amazon accounts are restricted to VPC only resources. You can't create EC2 or RDS instances outside of a VPC anymore. That's why you don't see the "No VPC" option anymore.


Second VPC access for Lambda functions is now genearally available.


07-24 08:58