

据我所知,这是抽象分辨率与设备物理分辨率之间的比率。所以我测试它(在HTC Desire),物理分辨率是 480x800 ,它注销的比例是 1.5 。我抛出一些元素,但仍然采取正确的 480px 宽度填充视口,我的天真想,它需要'320px'。我很困惑!

As far as I know it's the ratio between the "abstract" resolution and the device's physical resolution. So I test it (on HTC Desire), the physical resolution is 480x800, it's logged out the ratio is 1.5. I threw in some elements, but it still take exactly 480px width to fill the viewport where my naive thought it's need '320px'. I'm confused!



From http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2012/07/more_about_devi.html, where the author discusses the differences in devicePixelRatio across mobile devices:


在你的情况下,重要的是屏幕宽度,简单和简单。 DIP的计算是设备照顾的东西,而不是你作为开发人员。如果设备想要补偿不同的像素比率,它将为您提供DIP的宽度并给出比率。如果觉得页面应该以原生未修改的像素分辨率显示,它会为您提供宽度。这篇文章的作者也得出了以下有趣的结论:

What matters in your case is screen width, plain and simple. The calculation of DIPs is something for the device to take care of, rather than you as the developer. If the device wants to compensate for a different pixel ratio, it will serve you a width in DIP and give the ratio. If it feels that pages should be displayed with the native unmodified pixel resolution, it will serve you that width instead. The author of the post also comes to the following conclusion which I find interesting:


At any rate, use the width the browser gives you and leave it to the device to compensate.


09-02 21:52