


I just had a quick question on how processors and threads work. According to my current understanding, a core can only perform 1 process at a time. But we are able to produce a thread pool(lets say 30) with a larger number than the number of cores that we posses(lets say 4) and have them run concurrently. How is this possible if we are only have 4 cores? I am also able to run my 30 thread program on my local computer and also continue to perform other activities on my computer such as watch movies or browse the internet.


I have read somewhere that scheduling of threads occurs and that sort of gives the illusion that these 30 threads are running concurrently by the 4 cores. Is this true and if so can someone explain how this works and also recommend some good reading on this?




在旧的日子里,每个进程只有一个线程执行,因此进程被直接安排到核心上(在过去的这些日子里) ,几乎只有一个核心安排到)。但是,在支持线程的操作系统(几乎都是现代操作系统)中,它是线程,而不是计划的进程。因此,对于本讨论的其余部分,我们将专门讨论线程,您应该了解每个正在运行的进程都有一个或多个执行线程。

Processes vs Threads

In days of old, each process had precisely one thread of execution, so processes were scheduled onto cores directly (and in these old days, there was almost only one core to schedule onto). However, in operating systems that support threading (which is almost all moderns OS's), it is threads, not processes that are scheduled. So for the rest of this discussion we will talk exclusively about threads, and you should understand that each running process has one or more threads of execution.

当两个线程在并行中运行时,它们同时运行 。例如,如果我们有两个线程A和B,那么它们的并行执行将如下所示:

When two threads are running in parallel, they are both running at the same time. For example, if we have two threads, A and B, then their parallel execution would look like this:

CPU 1:A --------- ---------------->

CPU 1: A ------------------------->

CPU 2:B -------------- ----------->

CPU 2: B ------------------------->

当两个线程同时运行 时,它们的执行重叠。重叠可以通过以下两种方式之一发生:线程正在同时执行(即并行,如上所述),或者它们的执行在处理器上交错,如下所示:

When two threads are running concurrently, their execution overlaps. Overlapping can happen in one of two ways: either the threads are executing at the same time (i.e. in parallel, as above), or their executions are being interleaved on the processor, like so:

CPU 1:A -----------> B ----------> A -----------> B --- ------->

CPU 1: A -----------> B ----------> A -----------> B ---------->


So, for our purposes, parallelism can be thought of as a special case of concurrency*


In this case, they can run concurrently because the CPU scheduler is giving each one of those 30 threads some share of CPU time. Some threads will be running in parallel (if you have 4 cores, then 4 threads will be running in parallel at any one time), but all 30 threads will be running concurrently. The reason you can then go play games or browse the web is that these new threads are added to the thread pool/queue and also given a share of CPU time.

这不是相当为真。由于非常聪明的硬件设计和流水线操作太长而无法进入(加上我不理解),一个物理内核可能实际执行两个完全不同的执行线程同一时间。如果你需要,可以稍微咀嚼这句话 - 它仍然让我大吃一惊。

This is not quite true. Due to very clever hardware design and pipelining that would be much too long to go into here (plus I don't understand it), it is possible for one physical core to actually be executing two completely different threads of execution at the same time. Chew over that sentence a bit if you need to -- it still blows my mind.


This amazing feat is called simultaneous multi-threading (or popularly Hyper-Threading, although that is a proprietary name for a specific instance of such technology). Thus, we have physical cores, which are the actual hardware CPU cores, and logical cores, which is the number of cores the operating system tells software is available for use. Logical cores are essentially an abstraction. In typical modern Intel CPUs, each physical core acts as two logical cores.


I would recommend Operating System Concepts if you really want to understand how processes, threads, and scheduling all work together.

  • 术语 parallel 并发的确切含义热烈的争论,甚至。这些术语的含义在很大程度上取决于应用程序域。

  • The precise meanings of the terms parallel and concurrent are hotly debated, even here in our very own stack overflow. What one means by these terms depends a lot on the application domain.


09-01 17:30