本文介绍了自动换行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 自动换行通常会将某些空格视为换行符,如果有的话,那么在很长一段时间内都不是换行符。所以当一个连续八十八美元的字符串'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''所以为什么它不是b $ b似乎可以合作!'?这里有一个页面,演示了如何!''s'似乎用词包装: http://www.geocities.com/terra1024/wordwrap.htm 这是一个页面,显示了'的文字包装: http://www.geocities.com/terra1024/wordwrap2.htm 任何帮助都将不胜感激 - 谢谢:) 解决方案 一次我试图通过GeoCities试图在我的 浏览器中运行应用程序并向我做广告,发现IE6的 感叹号有问题。在我尝试过的所有其他浏览器中包装都是正确的。所以 这是一个IE漏洞。 一旦我打了我的方式过去GeoCities尝试在我的浏览器中运行应用程序并向我做广告,发现IE6的感叹号存在问题。在我尝试过的所有其他浏览器中包装都是正确的。所以这是一个IE错误。 在Opera 7.23中包装也是不正确的。 On Mon,2004年4月19日21:59:55 -0400,Neal< ne ***** @ spamrcn.com>写道: 一旦我打了我的方式过去GeoCities尝试在我的浏览器中运行应用程序并向我做广告,发现IE6的感叹号存在问题。在我尝试过的所有其他浏览器中包装都是正确的。所以这是一个IE错误。 在Opera 7.23中包装也是不正确的。 i有相同版本的Opera中存在同样的问题(还没有下载更新版本的)。因此,我有点惶恐不安 将责任归咎于IE浏览器。 无论问题的根源是什么,可以做些什么修复它? 添加一个< br>每80个左右!''s会解决它,但是那个会b / b 也强制在不需要它的浏览器上换行(即。 运行在高分辨率下)。 显然用'a'取代了其中一个!'带来了一个字b / b 包装,但加了两个空间而不是一个似乎什么都不做。 然而,那说,前者不是一个非常有吸引力的解决方案。关于解决这个问题的其他想法吗? word wrapping normally treats some spaces as line feeds, if therehasn''t been a line feed for quite a while. so while a string witheighty consecutive a''s might not word wrap, a space placed squarely inthe middle of that string will sorta word wrap. so why doesn''t itseem to work with !''s? here''s a page that demonstrates how !''s don''tseem to word wrap: http://www.geocities.com/terra1024/wordwrap.htmhere''s a page that shows how a''s word wrap: http://www.geocities.com/terra1024/wordwrap2.htmany help would be appreciated - thanks :) 解决方案Once I fought my way past GeoCities'' attempt to run applications in mybrowser and advertise to me, found that IE6 has a problem with yourexclamation points. Wrapping is correct in all other browsers I tried. Soit''s an IE bug. Once I fought my way past GeoCities'' attempt to run applications in my browser and advertise to me, found that IE6 has a problem with your exclamation points. Wrapping is correct in all other browsers I tried. So it''s an IE bug.Wrapping is also incorrect in Opera 7.23. Once I fought my way past GeoCities'' attempt to run applications in my browser and advertise to me, found that IE6 has a problem with your exclamation points. Wrapping is correct in all other browsers I tried. So it''s an IE bug.Wrapping is also incorrect in Opera 7.23.i have the same problem in that same version of Opera (haven''tdownloaded a newer version, yet). as such, i''m somewhat trepidatiousto place the blame soley on IE.irregardless of the source of the problem, what can be done to fix it?adding a <br> between every 80 or so !''s would fix it, but that wouldalso force word wrapping on browsers that don''t need it (ie. onesrunning at high resolutions).apparently replacing even one of the !''s with an ''a'' brings about wordwrapping, but adding two spaces instead of one seems to do nothing.however, that said, the former isn''t a very attractive solution. anyother ideas as to a solution to this problem? 这篇关于自动换行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-24 08:23