![Jeremy Jeremy]()
本文介绍了W3C WCAG工具?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 任何人都可以对(可免费的!)工具 进行任何评估,以评估对可访问性标准的符合性吗? - jeremy 解决方案 http://valet.webthing.com/access/url.html 似乎很合理,但它应该是 指出,可访问性不是一台可以通过 机器轻松测量的东西,许多检查点需要人性化。目前没有任何工具可以[1] 取代对所涉及问题的深刻理解。 [1]并且直到我们开发真的很好AIs。 - David Dorward< http://blog.dorward.me.uk/> < http://dorward.me.uk/> Home是〜/ .bashrc的地方 > http://valet.webthing.com/access /url.html 似乎是合理的,但应该注意到可访问性不是一个可以通过机器轻松测量的东西,许多检查点需要人性化。目前没有任何工具可以[1] 取代对所涉及问题的深刻理解。 [1]并且直到我们开发出真正优秀的AI才会发生。 谢谢 - 它是一个非常有用的检查器,它确实布局了结果 很好。 欢呼 - jeremy http://www.dur.ac.uk /its/services/we...ibility/tools/ (应该是)一个相当不错的''自动''列表,半自动和 手动工具。 请务必阅读 http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/acctools.html 在使用任何自动之前。 如果我不得不推荐*一个*工具它将是Opera 7.如果我不得不 推荐一个*自动*工具它''是一般用途的AccessValet 或Vischeck进行高质量的半自动检查。 我真的*推荐的是你阅读了可访问性 (以及可用性和良好的创作实践)文献,并学会了使用你的思维力量来检查。收集的链接 (迫切需要分类,分类等): http://www.dur.ac.uk/its/services/we...ity/resources/ 有一个快速的辅助功能教程: http://www.dur.ac.uk/its/services/we...lity/tutorial/ 您可以使用各种练习工具。它不比 任何其他通常无法访问的页面更好,除了 答案也是可用的。 - 克里斯 Hi, can anyone make any receommendations for a (free preferably!) toolthat will assess the conformace to accessibility standards?--jeremy 解决方案 http://valet.webthing.com/access/url.html seems reasonable, but it should benoted that accessibility is not something that can be easily measured by amachine, many checkpoints need the human touch. No tool can currently[1]replace a stong understanding of the issues involved.[1] and won''t until we develop really really good AIs.--David Dorward <http://blog.dorward.me.uk/> <http://dorward.me.uk/>Home is where the ~/.bashrc is http://valet.webthing.com/access/url.html seems reasonable, but it should be noted that accessibility is not something that can be easily measured by a machine, many checkpoints need the human touch. No tool can currently[1] replace a stong understanding of the issues involved. [1] and won''t until we develop really really good AIs.Thanks - it is quite a useful checker and it does layout the resultsnicely.cheers--jeremy http://www.dur.ac.uk/its/services/we...ibility/tools/(should be) a fairly good list of ''automatic'', semi-automatic andmanual tools.Make sure you read http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/acctools.htmlbefore using anything ''automatic''.If I had to recommend *one* tool it''d be Opera 7. If I had torecommend one *automatic* tool it''d be AccessValet for general purposeor Vischeck for good quality semi-automatic checking.What I''d *really* recommend is that you read around the accessibility(and usability, and good authoring practice) literature and learn tocheck things using only the power of your mind. Collected links(desperately in need of categorisation, sorting, etc) at: http://www.dur.ac.uk/its/services/we...ity/resources/There''s a quick accessibility tutorial at: http://www.dur.ac.uk/its/services/we...lity/tutorial/which you could practice using various tools on. It''s no better thanany other generally inaccessible set of pages for this, except thatthe answers are also available.--Chris 这篇关于W3C WCAG工具?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云! 08-01 10:16