



我想将NERDTREE切换映射到 Cmd +空格,但是我不知道什么字符代表.vimrc中Mac的命令键.我搜索发现,我们可以使用'D'表示链接,但无效.顺便说一句,我从终端而不是MacVim使用vim.

I want to map my NERDTREE toggle to Cmd + space but I don't know what character represents Mac's command key in .vimrc. I searched and found that we can use 'D' to represent cmd key from this link, but it doesn't work.BTW I am using vim from the terminal not MacVim.


确实,< D-映射到键.您可以通过:help< D-看到它.

It is true that <D- maps to key. You can see it by :help <D-.

然而,这在你的 vim+terminal 中不起作用.它仅适用于 MacVim .请参见此处

However, this will not work in your vim+terminal. It only works in MacVim. See here


The best shot for your intention is to map the combination as hex code, sending to terminal.

不过,我不建议您这样做.对于Mac OS环境太重要.例如,任何使用输入法的人都无法将其映射到 + .\

Still I will not recommend doing this. is too important for mac os environment. For example, anyone uses an input method can't map it to +.\

请考虑在此处使用通常的方法:< leader> .

Please consider using the usual method here: <leader>.


07-24 08:18