本文介绍了Bootstrap 3.3.2如何在shows.bs.modal事件中获取模态类的高度?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在shows.bs.modal事件上获取Bootstrap 3.3.2模态类的高度.我正在尝试加载没有远程内容.

I am trying to get the height of the Bootstrap 3.3.2 modal classes on the shown.bs.modal event. There is no remote content I am trying to load.



The classes I like to have the height for are .modal-dialog, .modal-header, .modal-body and .modal-footer.

我正在使用jQuery的这个位,但是它给我的高度的值是-31或0. .modal-dialog,这显然是错误的.

I am using this bit of jQuery but it gives me a value of either -31 or 0 for the height of the e.g. .modal-dialog and that is obviously wrong.

$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {

    var modalDialogHeight = $('.modal-dialog').height();
    console.log ('modalDialogHeight = ' + modalDialogHeight);


我在这里用Bootply创建了一个示例: BS 3.3.2如何在shows.bs上获取模态类的高度.模态?,并在示例中使用了console.log.

I have created an example with Bootply here: BS 3.3.2 How to get modal classes height on shown.bs.modal? and used console.log in the example.

但是在示例中,控制台上没有任何显示,尽管在本地运行默认BS 3.3.2模态而没有任何自定义时,日志实际上显示了错误的值或0.

However in the example nothing shows in the console though when running the default BS 3.3.2 modal locally without any customisations the log shows the wrong values or 0 in fact.


Tried using alert in the example but that also does not show. If anyone has a clue how to get this to work in Bootply let me know in a comment please.


Apart from that I am puzzled about the shown.bs.modal and .height() not working on the modal classes. It does fully work when adding

var viewportHeight = $(window).height();
console.log ('viewportHeight = ' + viewportHeight);


to the local example, giving me the correct height. So the event does fire, however not on the modal classes.


How can I find out the height of the modal classes or why is my approach not working?


The reason I am trying to find the height of those classes is so that I can style the height of the entire modal and its content depending on the viewport height.


There is a similar question here How to get Bootstrap modal size however I am calling after the event, just as lined out in the #modal-events given on the BS site and still no luck, and this as well with various widths of the viewport, narrow or wide.


Any help with this is much appreciated, thank you.




$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
        var viewportHeight = $(window).height();
        console.log ('viewportHeight = ' + viewportHeight);

        var modalDialogHeight = $(this).find('.modal-dialog').outerHeight();
        console.log ('modalDialogHeight = ' + modalDialogHeight);

        var modalHeaderHeight = $(this).find('.modal-header').outerHeight();
        console.log ('modalHeaderHeight = ' + modalHeaderHeight);

        var modalBodyHeight = $(this).find('.modal-body').outerHeight();
        console.log ('modalBodyHeight = ' + modalBodyHeight);

        var modalFooterHeight = $(this).find('.modal-footer').outerHeight();
        console.log ('modalFooterHeight = ' + modalFooterHeight);

说明:Bootstrap 3.3.2显然会在计算模态的宽度和 height 之前显示模态.

Explanation:Bootstrap 3.3.2 apparently shows the modal before calculating its width and height.

由于模态一直被隐藏,直到被单击为止,因此不可能获得有关模态类的宽度或 height .

Since the modal is hidden until it is being clicked it is impossible to get the width or height of the modal classes in question.


Once the event shown.bs.modal has fired it is possible to get the width and height of the modal classes and looking at my log it seems to work.


However why$(this).find('.modal-dialog').outerHeight(); works and $('.modal-dialog').height(); does not work might be due to the different jQuery methods used here, .height() and .outerHeight(). Though I must say that I did try using .outerHeight as well and it did not work, so it could be due to $(this).find.


Attention:I am not entirely sure where my mistake was and if anyone can point out exactly why my first approach did not work I would be highly thankful, since then I can understand and learn this better. So thank you for any helping comments or different answers.

参考: jQuery .outerHeight()

此方法不适用于窗口和文档对象;为了 这些,请改用.height().

This method is not applicable to window and document objects; for these, use .height() instead.


After some reading and more coding I have come to understand that when trying to obtain either the width or the height of any of the modal classes, like .modal-content or .modal-header, for example, one does not really need the shown.bs.modal event.


In the following code the .modal-content width and height are calculated correctly when resizing the window when the modal is present.


This is accomplished by telling jQuery in what parent element to actually find the element whose width or height is wanted.

如果.find()方法未使用 ,则jQuery似乎无法真正到达所涉及的元素,因此计算结果要么为错误值,要么为0.

If the .find() method is not used it seems that jQuery cannot really get to the element in question and thus the calculations either are wrong values or result in 0.


Of course the code below can be used with the shown.bs.modal event to not have to resize the browser window for the log to start giving values. It is simply for my needs locally that I wrapped this in a window resize function with a callback.

参考: jQuery .find()方法

var modalContentWidthHeight = function () {

    var modalContentWidth = $('#myModal').find('.modal-content').outerWidth(true);
        console.log ('modalContentWidth = ' + modalContentWidth);

    var modalContentHeight = $('#myModal').find('.modal-content').outerHeight(true);
        console.log ('modalContentHeight = ' + modalContentHeight);


这篇关于Bootstrap 3.3.2如何在shows.bs.modal事件中获取模态类的高度?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 07:24