


Simple question. Is there a function to get the current sort position of a column by name in a grid?


remapColumns方法中使用的索引与colModel数组中使用的索引相同.重要的是要理解,索引可以与最初使用的jqGrid的colModel参数不同.如果jqGrid使用选项rownumbers: true,则将在colModel数组的第一位插入名称为'rn'的附加列. colModel数组的所有其他元素的索引将增加.以相同的方式,选项multiselect: true插入列'cb'和选项subGrid: true插入列'subgrid'.以相同的方式,选项treeGrid: truecolModel数组后面附加一些其他隐藏列,这些隐藏列可以由treeReader定义.对于treeGridModel: 'nested',列的默认名称为:'level''lft''rgt''isLeaf''expanded''loaded''icon''level''parent''isLeaf''isLeaf''expanded''loaded''icon'.

The indexes used in the remapColumns method are the same as in the colModel array. It's important to understand, that the indexes can be different as in the colModel parameter of jqGrid used initially. If jqGrid uses options rownumbers: true an additional column with the name 'rn' will be inserted at the first place of colModel array. The indexes of all other elements of colModel array will be incremented. In the same way the option multiselect: true inserts the column 'cb' abd the option subGrid: true inserts the column 'subgrid'. In the same way the option treeGrid: true follows appending colModel array with some additional hidden columns which names can be defined by treeReader. The default names of the columns in case of treeGridModel: 'nested' are: 'level', 'lft', 'rgt', 'isLeaf', 'expanded', 'loaded' and 'icon' or 'level', 'parent', 'isLeaf', 'expanded', 'loaded' and 'icon' in case of treeGridModel: 'adjacency'.

因此,要通过名称查找列的索引,您应该只获取当前的colModel,仔细检查各项,然后找到其中'name'属性是所需列名称的项目.要获取colModel,可以使用$("#grid")[0].p.colModel$("#grid").jqGrid('getgridParam', 'colModel').因此,代码如下所示:

So to find the index of the column by the name you should just get the current colModel, look through the items and find the item where 'name' property are the column name which you need. To get colModel you can use $("#grid")[0].p.colModel or $("#grid").jqGrid('getgridParam', 'colModel'). So the code can be like the following:

var getColumnIndexByName = function (columnName) {
        var cm = $(this).jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel'), i, l = cm.length;

        for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            if (cm[i].name === columnName) {
                return i; // return the index
        return -1;


var $grid = $("#grid"),
    iCol = getColumnIndexByName.call($grid[0], 'myColName');

要获取当前已排序列的名称,可以使用$grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'sortname')

To get the name of the current sorted column you can use $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'sortname')


08-22 18:15