


I am really confused by the different properties that exist in JavaScript for getting the dimensions of a document and how to get those numbers. Can someone recommend a good place to start to understand how I would get the size of the document and position stuff correctly?



I'll try to answer as simply as I can.



In terms of geometry, there are two sets of dimensions to be aware of; the document dimensions, which reflect the entire size of the loaded page, including the content beyond the bottom of the window and the viewport dimensions, which reflect the size of the visible part of the document that is immediately displayed in the window.


When you scroll down, the viewport moves down over the document by a certain number of pixels. In other words, the viewport is the actual browser window "border" (the toolbars, menus, tabs, and so on).


The confusion comes from the fact that depending on the browser and mode, different properties are used to get the dimensions of a document and viewport, and they return different results depending on scrollbars. But we'll come back to this.



There are a number of properties available to you from the get-go in javascript which give you different dimensions.

  1. 屏幕分辨率:window.screen.width -Height

  1. Screen resolution:window.screen.width -Height

可用的屏幕空间(与监视器分辨率相同)减去底座,工具栏和其他UI元素:window.screen.availWidth -Height.

Available screen space (same as monitor resolution) minus docks, toolbars and other UI elements:window.screen.availWidth -Height.

文档尺寸:document.documentElement.offsetWidth -Height注意:这些数字不包括滚动条.

Document dimensions:document.documentElement.offsetWidth -HeightNote: These numbers do not include the scrollbars.

视口尺寸:window.innerWidth -Height

  • 这些数字包括滚动条.

  • These numbers include the scrollbars.

此功能在IE 8和IE9中不可用,因此如果使用IE,请测试document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat",如果为true,则使用document.documentElement.clientWidth -Height,对于怪癖模式,请使用document.body.clientWidth -Height.

This is not available in IE 8- and IE9, so if IE, test for the document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" and if true, use document.documentElement.clientWidth -Height, and for quirks mode use document.body.clientWidth -Height.


如上所述,document.documentElement.offsetWidth/Height为您提供文档的实际大小.需要注意的一个问题是,滚动条在浏览器之间的工作方式有所不同.例如,即使文档高度小于视口高度,IE9也会始终显示垂直滚动条. Safari/Chrome在OS X Lion上没有滚动条.除非有必要,否则PC上的Chrome不会显示垂直滚动条.

As per above, document.documentElement.offsetWidth/Height provides you with the actual size of the document. One caveat to this is that scrollbars work differently between browsers. For example, IE9 will always display a vertical scrollbar even if the document height is less than the viewport height. Safari/Chrome doesn't have scrollbars on OS X Lion. Chrome on PC will not display vertical scrollbars unless it needs to.


So you may bump into inconsistencies and the Scrollbar shifts content problem. Imagine you have an absolutely positioned and centred element. Because CSS calculates the "centre" relative to the document dimensions and not the viewport dimensions, when say, Google adds the scrollbars, your content may "jump" a bit to the left as the "document centre" changes. So you may need to write JS to compensate for this effect if it bothers you, or maybe someone here can write a quick JS function to calculate document dimensions with scrollbars included.



While some methods in JavaScript work with document coordinates, others work with viewport coordinates, and often this is not what you want. For example, if you have an element's top edge at 20px in document coordinates, and you scroll the page down by 20px, the top edge of that element will be at 0px relative to the top viewport coordinate. So to convert between the two systems, you first need to know by how many pixels a user has scrolled the document, and then add that number to the viewport to compensate (look at example below).





And here's a quick cross-browser module I mucked up to help you:

var dimensions = (function(){

    var dims = {};

    // get screen width/height:
    dims.screenWidth = function() { window.screen.width };
    dims.screenHeight = function() { return window.screen.height };

    // get screen width/height minus chrome:
    dims.availWidth = function() { return window.screen.availWidth };
    dims.availHeight = function() { return window.screen.availHeight };

    // get document width/height (with-out scrollbars):
    if (window.document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"){ // if IE Standards Mode
        dims.documentWidth = function() { return document.body.offsetWidth };
        dims.documentHeight = function() { return document.body.offsetHeight };
    else {
        dims.documentWidth = function() { return document.documentElement.offsetWidth };
        dims.documentHeight = function() { return document.documentElement.offsetHeight };

    // get viewport width/height (with scrollbars):
    if (window.innerWidth != null) {
        dims.viewportWidth = function () { return window.innerWidth };
        dims.viewportHeight = function () { return window.innerHeight };

        // if IE in Standards Mode
        else if (window.document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"){
            dims.viewportWidth = function () {
                return window.document.documentElement.clientWidth
            dims.viewportHeight = function () {
                return window.document.documentElement.clientHeight

    // get scrollbar offsets:
    if (window.pageXOffset != null) {
        dims.scrollXOffset = function() { return window.pageXOffset };
        dims.scrollYOffset = function() { return window.pageYOffset };

        // if IE in Standards Mode
        else if (window.document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"){
            dims.scrollXOffset = function() { return document.documentElement.scrollLeft };
            dims.scrollYOffset = function() { return document.documentElement.scrollTop };

    return dims;


You can for example do console.log(dimensions.viewportWidth()) to get the viewport width.


Hope this helps you :)


07-24 07:18