本文介绍了AngularJS Group By Directive 没有外部依赖的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 Angular 的新手,想学习处理问题的最佳方法.我的目标是有一种可重用的方法来按标题创建组.我创建了一个有效的解决方案,但我认为这应该是我的控制器中的指令而不是作用域函数,但我不确定如何实现这一点,或者指令是否是正确的方法.任何输入将不胜感激.

查看我目前处理 jsFiddle


在 HTML 中,这是一个使用 ng-repeat 的简单列表,我在 ng-show 上调用我的 newGrouping() 函数.该函数传递对完整列表的引用、我想要分组的字段以及当前索引.

<div ng-controller='TestGroupingCtlr'><div ng-repeat='item in MyList'><div ng-show="newGrouping($parent.MyList, 'GroupByFieldName', $index);"><h2>{{item.GroupByFieldName}}</h2>


在我的控制器中,我有我的 newGrouping() 函数,它只是将当前与前一个进行比较,除了第一项,并根据匹配返回 true 或 false.

function TestGroupingCtlr($scope) {$scope.MyList = [{GroupByFieldName:'Group 1',随便:'abc'},{GroupByFieldName:'Group 1',随便:'def'},{GroupByFieldName:'Group 2',随便:'ghi'},{GroupByFieldName:'Group 2',随便:'jkl'},{GroupByFieldName:'Group 2',随便:'mno'}];$scope.newGrouping = function(group_list, group_by, index) {如果(索引> 0){上一个 = 索引 - 1;if (group_list[prev][group_by] !== group_list[index][group_by]) {返回真;} 别的 {返回假;}} 别的 {返回真;}};}


第 1 组

  • abc
  • 定义

第 2 组

  • jkl
  • mno



更新:寻找不需要外部依赖的答案.使用 underscore/lodash 或 angular-filter 模块有很好的解决方案.



这是对上述 Darryl 解决方案的修改,允许多个按参数分组.此外,它利用 $parse 允许使用嵌套属性作为按参数分组.





<div ng-repeat="我列表中的项目 | orderBy:'groupfield' | groupBy:['groupfield', 'deep.category']"><h2 ng-show="item.group_by_CHANGED">{{item.groupfield}} {{item.deep.category}}</h2><ul><li>{{item.whatever}}</li>


app.filter('groupBy', ['$parse', function ($parse) {返回函数(列表,group_by){var 过滤 = [];var prev_item = null;var group_changed = false;//这是一个新字段,它被添加到我们附加_CHANGED"的每个项目中//指示列表中的字段更改//是 var new_field = group_by + '_CHANGED';- JB 12/17/2013var new_field = 'group_by_CHANGED';//遍历列表中的每一项angular.forEach(列表,功能(项目){group_changed = 假;//如果不是第一项if (prev_item !== null) {//检查是否有任何 group by 字段更改//强制 group_by 进入数组group_by = angular.isArray(group_by) ?group_by : [group_by];//通过参数检查每个组for (var i = 0, len = group_by.length; i < len; i++) {如果 ($parse(group_by[i])(prev_item) !== $parse(group_by[i])(item)) {group_changed = 真;}}}//否则我们有列表中的第一项是新的别的 {group_changed = 真;}//如果组发生变化,则向项目添加一个新字段//表明这一点如果(group_changed){项目[新字段] = 真;} 别的 {项目[新字段] = 假;}过滤.推(项目);prev_item = 项目;});返回过滤;};}]);

I'm new to Angular and would like to learn the best way to handle a problem. My goal is to have a reusable means to create group by headers. I created a solution which works, but I think this should be a directive instead of a scope function within my controller, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this, or if a directive is even the right way to go. Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.

See my current approach working on jsFiddle

In the HTML it's a simple list using ng-repeat where I call my newGrouping() function on ng-show. The function passes a reference to the full list, the field I want to group by, and the current index.

<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller='TestGroupingCtlr'>
    <div ng-repeat='item in MyList'>
        <div ng-show="newGrouping($parent.MyList, 'GroupByFieldName', $index);">

In my controller I have my newGrouping() function which simply compares the current to the previous, except on the first item, and returns true or false depending upon a match.

function TestGroupingCtlr($scope) {

  $scope.MyList = [
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 1', whatever:'abc'},
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 1', whatever:'def'},
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 2', whatever:'ghi'},
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 2', whatever:'jkl'},
    {GroupByFieldName:'Group 2', whatever:'mno'}

  $scope.newGrouping = function(group_list, group_by, index) {
  if (index > 0) {
    prev = index - 1;
    if (group_list[prev][group_by] !== group_list[index][group_by]) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  } else {
    return true;

The output will look like this.

Group 1

Group 2

It feels like there should be a better way. I want this to be a common utility function that I can reuse. Should this be a directive? Is there a better way to reference the previous item in the list than my method of passing the full list and the current index? How would I approach a directive for this?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: Looking for an answer that does not require external dependencies.There are good solutions using underscore/lodash or the angular-filter module.



This is a modification of Darryl's solution above, that allows multiple group by parameters. In addition it makes use of $parse to allow the use of nested properties as group by parameters.

Example using multiple, nested parameters



<h1>Multiple Grouping Parameters</h1>
<div ng-repeat="item in MyList  | orderBy:'groupfield' | groupBy:['groupfield', 'deep.category']">
    <h2 ng-show="item.group_by_CHANGED">{{item.groupfield}} {{item.deep.category}}</h2>

Filter (Javascript)

app.filter('groupBy', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
    return function (list, group_by) {

        var filtered = [];
        var prev_item = null;
        var group_changed = false;
        // this is a new field which is added to each item where we append "_CHANGED"
        // to indicate a field change in the list
        //was var new_field = group_by + '_CHANGED'; - JB 12/17/2013
        var new_field = 'group_by_CHANGED';

        // loop through each item in the list
        angular.forEach(list, function (item) {

            group_changed = false;

            // if not the first item
            if (prev_item !== null) {

                // check if any of the group by field changed

                //force group_by into Array
                group_by = angular.isArray(group_by) ? group_by : [group_by];

                //check each group by parameter
                for (var i = 0, len = group_by.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if ($parse(group_by[i])(prev_item) !== $parse(group_by[i])(item)) {
                        group_changed = true;

            }// otherwise we have the first item in the list which is new
            else {
                group_changed = true;

            // if the group changed, then add a new field to the item
            // to indicate this
            if (group_changed) {
                item[new_field] = true;
            } else {
                item[new_field] = false;

            prev_item = item;


        return filtered;

这篇关于AngularJS Group By Directive 没有外部依赖的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 20:33