I have almost ready application in java that use jms with Camel. Pop up that we I have to add additional infomations in exchange/message. Lets say that those additional infomations are in fact new java object. What is the best way to add my new object to exchange?
I have a lot of Camel processors processing the message that look like this:
public class MyProcessor implements Processor {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
String s = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
s = magicalTransform(s);
exchange.getIn().setBody(s, String.class);
//Now I have to add object of some Info.cass:
Info info = new Info( new Date() );
//Can I add it like this? :
exchange.getIn().setBody(info, Info.class);
问题是,如果可以向Message添加许多对象,则找不到信息. Message方法:setBody(Object body,Class type)提示可能,但也有方法:getBody()表示只有一个正文类.
The problem is that I can't find information if I can add many objects to Message. The Message method: setBody(Object body, Class type) suggest that it is possible, but there is also method: getBody() that sugesst that there is only one body class.
If I can't do it in this way, then what's the best way? I could try to wrap String that I transform and info in to one class, and put that new class in to message, but It will cause change the way obtaining String in every Processor. I want to avoid that.
The body of an Exchange
is a single Object
. If you want to add multiple objects to the body of your exchange you need to make the body of the exchange a map, list, or pojo with fields that you set all of your objects within.
这篇关于Apache Camel:消息中可以有多个对象(具有不同的类)吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!