本文介绍了为什么有些文本框默认不接受 Control + A 快捷方式全选的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在我的程序中到处都发现了一些文本框,它们接受 Control+A 快捷方式以默认"选择整个文本且无编码".

I have found a few textboxes here and there in my program that accepts Control+A shortcut to select the entire text "by default" with "no coding".


I don't know what additional information I have to give here to enable it for all of them, as I find absolutely no difference between these textboxes. They are all simple dragged and dropped textboxes.


Note: I'm not talking about this piece of code:

if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.A)


I want selection by default... or is there anyway to change textbox property so that textboxes accept all default windows shortcuts?

其他一切(Control + ZControl + XControl + CControl + V)默认工作!为什么不 Control + A?

Everything else (Control + Z, Control + X, Control + C, Control + V) works by default! Why not Control + A?

更新:默认接受 Ctrl+A 的文本框是 屏蔽文本框,而不是常规文本框.那时我使用的是 .NET 2.0.但是我猜原来的问题是别的,因为我可以看到 Ctrl+A 在 .NET 2.0 代码中默认工作正常.

Update: The text boxes that accepted Ctrl+A by default were masked textboxes, not the regular one. And at that point I was with .NET 2.0. But I guess the original problem was something else, as I can see Ctrl+A working fine by default in .NET 2.0 code.


您可能正在寻找 ShortcutsEnabled 属性.将其设置为 true 将允许您的文本框实现 + 快捷方式(等等).来自文档:

You might be looking for the ShortcutsEnabled property. Setting it to true would allow your text boxes to implement the + shortcut (among others). From the documentation:

使用 ShortcutsEnabled 属性启用或禁用以下快捷键组合:

  • +













但是,文档 状态:

TextBox 控件不Multiline 属性值为真.

您可能必须使用 TextBoxBase 的另一个子类,例如 RichTextBox,让它工作.

You will probably have to use another subclass of TextBoxBase, such as RichTextBox, for that to work.

这篇关于为什么有些文本框默认不接受 Control + A 快捷方式全选的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 05:54