本文介绍了是否可以将动作附加到boost :: spirit :: rule解析器,该解析器将解析的结果分配给(尚未)未知实例的成员?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试从boost :: spirit规则定义的操作中引用一个(尚未)未知实例的成员,所以在伪代码中,

I'm trying to reference a member of a (yet) unknown instance from within a boost::spirit rule definitions' action, so in pseudocode,

而不是 double_ [ref(rN)= _1]我正在寻找类似的东西 X ** ppx; double_ [ref(& X :: rN,ppx)= _1]

instead of double_[ref(rN) = _1]I'm looking for something like X** ppx; double_[ref(&X::rN, ppx) = _1]


A workaround for it could be a simple "semantic action" with a parameter which knows the instance and would be able to write to it, like

qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> start;
my_grammar(DataContext*& dataContext) : my_grammar::base_type(start) , execContext(execContext) {
    start = qi::double_[ boost::bind(&my_grammar::newValueForXY, dataContext, ::_1) ];

但是,我想知道是否有可能直接绑定"到成员变量,就像可以通过使用"phoenix :: ref(...)= value"绑定到局部"变量一样.

However, I'm wondering if there is a possibility to "bind" directly to the member variable like it's possible to bind to a "local" variable by using "phoenix::ref(...) = value".


start = qi::int_[ boost::bind<int&>(&DataContext::newValueForXY, boost::ref(dataContext))() = ::_1] ];


but failed with VS2010SP1 and the error message

错误C2440:'=':'boost :: arg'无法转换为...

error C2440: '=': 'boost::arg' cannot be converted into ...



There are several ways to skin this cat:

  1. 您可能想到了延迟 bind表达式的执行:phx::bind可以做到
  2. 或者,您可以仅使用属性传播(并且完全不使用语义动作)
  3. 最后,您可以使用继承的属性(例如,当DataContext没有默认构造函数或复制昂贵时)
  1. you probably thought of deferring execution of the bind expression: phx::bind can do that
  2. alternatively, you could just use attribute propagation for that (and do without semantic actions altogether)
  3. lastly, you could use inherited attributes (e.g. when the DataContext has no default constructor or copying is expensive)



1. Deferring the Bind with Phoenix

Use phoenix bind for the purpose: this will result in a Phoenix actor, that will be "deferred executed" at the time the semantic action is triggered.


Here's a reconstruction of the missing code sample you might have been after:

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx= boost::phoenix;

struct DataContext
    double xy;

template <typename Iterator, typename Skipper>
struct my_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, Skipper>
    my_grammar(DataContext& dataContext) : my_grammar::base_type(start)
        start = qi::double_
            [ phx::bind(&my_grammar::newValueForXY,
                    qi::_1) ];
    static void newValueForXY(DataContext& dc, double value)
         dc.xy = value;

    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> start;

int main()
    const std::string s = "3.14";

    DataContext ctx;

    my_grammar<decltype(begin(s)), qi::space_type> p(ctx);
    auto f(begin(s)), l(end(s));
    if (qi::phrase_parse(f, l, p, qi::space))
        std::cout << "Success: " << ctx.xy << "\n";


  • phx :: ref()将引用包装到数据上下文
  • qi :: _ 1而不是boost :: _ 1作为占位符
  • 使用newValueForXY的这种实现,您可以很容易地编写

  • phx::ref() to wrap the reference to the datacontext
  • qi::_1 instead of boost::_1 as a placeholder
  • given this implementation of newValueForXY you could just as easily have written

    start = qi::double_
        [ phx::bind(&DataContext::xy, phx::ref(dataContext)) = qi::_1 ];


However, I'd probably write the same example using attributes instead of semantic actions (because that's basically what they are for):

#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx= boost::phoenix;

struct DataContext {
    double xy;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(DataContext, (double, xy))

template <typename Iterator, typename Skipper>
struct my_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, DataContext(), Skipper>
    my_grammar() : my_grammar::base_type(start) {
        start = qi::double_;
    qi::rule<Iterator, DataContext(), Skipper> start;

int main()
    const std::string s = "3.14";
    static const my_grammar<decltype(begin(s)), qi::space_type> p;

    DataContext ctx;
    if (qi::phrase_parse(begin(s), end(s), p, qi::space, ctx))
        std::cout << "Success: " << ctx.xy << "\n";


如果您绝对坚持,甚至可以出于以下目的使用 inherited attributes :

3. Use inherited attributes to pass in the context reference

If you absolutely insist, you can even use inherited attributes for the purpose:

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx= boost::phoenix;

struct DataContext {
    double xy;

template <typename Iterator, typename Skipper>
struct my_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, void(DataContext&), Skipper> {
    my_grammar() : my_grammar::base_type(start)
        start = qi::double_ [ phx::bind(&DataContext::xy, qi::_r1) = qi::_1 ];
    qi::rule<Iterator, void(DataContext&), Skipper> start;

int main() {
    const std::string s = "3.14";
    const static my_grammar<std::string::const_iterator, qi::space_type> p;
    DataContext ctx;
    if(qi::phrase_parse(begin(s), end(s), p(phx::ref(ctx)), qi::space)) {
        std::cout << "Success: " << ctx.xy << "\n";


This is somewhat more expressive at the call site:

qi::phrase_parse(begin(s), end(s), p(phx::ref(ctx)), qi::space));


and doesn't require the context to be default constructible.

这篇关于是否可以将动作附加到boost :: spirit :: rule解析器,该解析器将解析的结果分配给(尚未)未知实例的成员?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 07:26