<一href=\"http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075174/how-to-make-php-set-http-status-$c$c-to-500-automatically-in-case-of-any-error-c\">How使PHP设置HTTP状态code至500中的任何错误情况时自动? (包括那些不能由用户来处理)
I want to configure Apache to send to the user a 500 response with a custom 500 page when a PHP script raises a fatal error.What I have now is that it will print the error inline with the page content which is good for development but not for production.
How do I configure Apache to send the user a 500 response with a custom page?
假设你不仅要发送 500
Assuming that you don't only want to send a 500
header (which is easy), but really trigger a 500 error in Apache's system, there seems to be no trivial solution.
据<一个href=\"http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075174/how-to-make-php-set-http-status-$c$c-to-500-automatically-in-case-of-any-error-co\">this问题,它的是的自PHP 5.2.4 PHP的默认行为:
According to this question, it is PHP's default behaviour since PHP 5.2.4 if:
- 发生致命错误和
- 文档正文为空(戈登发现changelog的项目here).
- a fatal error occurs and
- the document body is empty (Gordon found the changelog entry here).
我不知道这种行为是如何可靠是长期的(即,当PHP 6出现等)。这不是一个太大标榜的功能。
I'm not sure how reliable this behaviour is long term (i.e. when PHP 6 comes up etc.). It's not a much advertised feature.
除此之外,据我所知,没有办法运行脚本后挑起了500。我问something类似为404次。只要答案(重定向到predefined URL,并发送一个500头)可能是你能得到最好的 - 尽管这当然不会被记录。
Other than that, I know of no way of provoking a 500 once the script runs. I asked something similar for 404s once. The answer provided there (redirecting to a predefined URL, and sending a 500 header) may be the best you can get - although that of course won't be logged.