本文介绍了在C ++中的错误处理/错误日志记录库/应用程序组合的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've encountered the following problem pattern frequently over the years:

  • 我在写复杂的code对于由一个独立的应用程序,也是核心的库版本,人们可以从其他应用程序内部使用的包。

  • I'm writing complex code for a package comprised of a standalone application and also a library version of the core that people can use from inside other apps.


Both our own app and presumably ones that users create with the core library are likely to be run both in batch mode (off-line, scripted, remote, and/or from command line), as well as interactively.


The library/app takes complex and large runtime input and there may be a variety of error-like outputs including severe error messages, input syntax warnings, status messages, and run statistics. Note that these are all incidental outputs, not the primary purpose of the application which would be displayed or saved elsewhere and using different methods.


Some of these (probably only the very severe ones) might require a dialog box if run interactively; but it needs to log without stalling for user input if run in batch mode; and if run as a library the client program obviously wants to intercept and/or examine the errors as they occur.


It all needs to be cross-platform: Linux, Windows, OSX. And we want the solution to not be weird on any platform. For example, output to stderr is fine for Linux, but won't work on Windows when linked to a GUI app.


Client programs of the library may create multiple instances of the main class, and it would be nice if the client app could distinguish a separate error stream with each instance.


Let's assume everybody agrees it's good enough for the library methods to log errors via a simple call (error code and/or severity, then printf-like arguments giving an error message). The contentious part is how this is recorded or retrieved by the client app.


I've done this many times over the years, and am never fully satisfied with the solution. Furthermore, it's the kind of subproblem that's actually not very important to users (they want to see the error log if something goes wrong, but they don't really care about our technique for implementing it), but the topic gets the programmers fired up and they invariably waste inordinate time on this detail and are never quite happy.

任何人对如何将这个功能集成到一个C ++ API的智慧,或者是有一个公认的范式或一个很好的开源解决方案(而不是GPL,请,我想一个解决方案,我可以在商业封闭应用的使用以及OSS项目)?

Anybody have any wisdom for how to integrate this functionality into a C++ API, or is there an accepted paradigm or a good open source solution (not GPL, please, I'd like a solution I can use in commercial closed apps as well as OSS projects)?



Log4Cxx should work for you. You need to implement a provider that allows the library user to catch the log output in callbacks. The library would export a function to install the callbacks. That function should, behind the scenes, reconfigure log4cxxx to get rid of all appenders and set up the "custom" appender.


Of course, the library user has an option to not install the callbacks and use log4cxx as is.

这篇关于在C ++中的错误处理/错误日志记录库/应用程序组合的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 05:16