I'm working on a git project with several people and we have included an external library as a git submodule. We share a common remote that we regularly push to and pull from.
自从我们第一次添加此子模块以来,它进行了一些更改,因此我做了git submodule update --remote
Since we first added this submodule there were some changes in it, so I did a git submodule update --remote
to update it to the newest version. That worked for me and I pushed this to our shared remote. The file at the location of the submodule where the reference to the commit is stored, has changed:
-Subproject commit <old-commit-hash>
+Subproject commit <new-commit-hash>
当我的同事从我们的共享远程设备中拉出更改时,他们也收到了更改后的子模块,但是,这似乎与常规文件中的更改有所不同,因为它不会覆盖旧版本(我所期望的),但是当他们运行git status
When my colleagues are pulling changes from our shared remote, they also receive the changed submodule, however this seems to be different from a change in a regular file, since it does not overwrite the old version (what I would expect), but it appears as change when they run git status
Changes not staged for commit:
modified: src/submodule (new commits)
So the file underneath changed (to the new revision that I pushed), but somehow git thinks that the local version of my colleague is newer. However, this is actually the old one, pointing to the previous revision that my colleagues still have.
现在,我喜欢我的同事,但有时他们并没有真正注意,他们所做的只是git add .
或git commit -a
,其中包括 all 更改,并且当然会覆盖对子模块并引用了旧的子模块commit.
Now, I like my colleagues, but sometimes they don't really pay attention and all they do is git add .
or git commit -a
which includes all changes and of course overwrites the changes to the submodule with the reference to the old submodule commit.
是否有一种方法可以对从此遥控器拉出的所有人员强制执行此子模块更新?可以将此子模块参考文件视为只是正常更新的普通文件吗?还是我必须告诉我的同事更多的注意力,并不时做一个git submodule update
Is there a way to enforce this submodule update for all people that pull from this remote? Can this submodule reference file be treated like a normal file that is just updated normally?Or do I have to tell my colleagues to pay more attention and do a git submodule update
from time to time?
I hope my question is clear. If not, please ask and I'll try to clarify.
There's not a direct solution to this as after a pull you need to do a submodule update. One thing you can do to combat this issue is you can create and distribute an alias that both pull and does the submodule update for example:
git config alias.pullAndUpdate '!git pull && git submodule update'
Using this alias will both pull from the remote and update submodules in one command instead of two.