


I am newbie of Autotools. From my understanding, one would use the following basic steps to build software using Autotools:

  1. autoreconf --install
  2. ./configure
  3. make
  1. autoreconf --install
  2. ./configure
  3. make


However, I noticed that most open source software packages (on Linux) does not need the step 1. They most time just need step 2 and 3 to build. It seems that they already are packaged with Makefile.in. I am wondering why? Do they manually code the Makefile.in, or the software developer uses autoreconf to generate the Makefile.in before creating the software package?



创建压缩包(或从版本控制系统中检出源代码)的软件开发人员通常会从名为bootstrap.sh的脚本中调用autoreconf.或autogen.sh可能会做其他事情. autoreconf也可能由Makefile调用(例如configure.ac更改时).

The software developer who creates the tarball (or who checks out the sources from a version control system) will usually invoke autoreconf from a script called bootstrap.sh or autogen.sh which may do other stuff. autoreconf might be invoked by Makefile as well (like when configure.ac has changed).


Most users will never need to run autoreconf, even those who are making some modifications to source (e.g. patches). Only those who need to make modifications to the package itself (making changes to configure.ac and/or Makefile.am) will need autoreconf.


07-24 05:01