- 责任链:有一个接一个咨询的转换器列表,直到可以转换手头的货币
- 工厂方法:创建基于原始和目标货币
- 门面/装饰员:从另一种货币和转换器创建一种货币的金额,从客户端隐藏api。
- Singleton:如果你想确保每个Convers只有一个Converter离子
- 价值对象
我推荐这个视频: a href =http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Value-Objects-Dan-Bergh-Johnsson =nofollow> http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Value-Objects-Dan- Bergh-Johnsson
这个问题是过度的,但它恰好以货币转换为例,为Value Objects ...
I was wondering if we could apply design patterns to writing code for currency conversion, and if yes then what would they be? The assumption is that conversion rates are static and we can hard-code them.
I thought about using 'state pattern' where every state represents a specific currency and has formulas encapsulated into corresponding methods for conversion, e.g. 'toDollars()', 'toPounds()' etc.
Another possibility (not sure if it's a design pattern) is using function objects that convert from a specific currency to another, and storing them as values in a 2-level Hashtable where the first level key is 'from' currency and the second level key is 'to' currency.
Are there any other design patterns to apply to this problem? The problem at its most abstract level is that we have 'm' entities and they are all inter-convertible based on some specific rules. Examples are converting time zone values in to each other; calendar dates from different calendar types (Gregorian/Chinese) etc. into each other.
Thanks and regards!
From a learning/design point of view this question is totally backward since the aim should not be to apply design patterns, but to solve problems and to communicate about the solutions and design patterns help with that.
But since you asked: Tons of design patterns might make sense depending on the requirements:
- Chain of Responsibility: Have a list of Converters which you consult one after the other, until one can convert the currencies at hand
- Factory Method: Create a Converter based on the original and target currency
- Facade/Decorator: Create an amount in one currency from another currency and a Converter, hiding the api from the client.
- Singleton: In case you want to make sure you have only one Converter for each Conversion
- Value Object...
I recommend this video: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Value-Objects-Dan-Bergh-JohnssonIt is overkill for the question but it happens to use currency conversion as an example for Value Objects ...