

我无法执行 git pull .我正在使用 sourcetree .

I'm unable to do a git pull. I am using sourcetree.



So I tried to pull for 5 minutes. I was able to pull earlier until this morning but am now getting a different, weird and incorrect behaviour.


  1. 存放并拉出我的工作副本后,将其清除,直到制作下一个更改我的本地副本并保存.
  2. sourcetree 显示不再有新提交提交来挂起,直到其他开发人员提交并再次推送为止.
  1. After I stash and pull my working copy is clear till I make the nextchange on my local copy and save it.
  2. sourcetree shows no more new commits to pull pending till other developers commit and push again.


  1. 隐藏并拉动后,由于拉动而引起的所有更改都会反映为我的工作副本.因此,我一拉出 就可以得到27个文件的工作副本.没有冲突.
  2. 向我显示的是与拉动后立即挂起的提交一样多的提交.因此,如果我先拉20次提交,然后再拉,则显示从我开始拖拉的那一刻起又再次进行20次提交.
  1. After I stash and pull, all the changes due to the pull reflect as my working copy. So, I get a working copy of 27 files as soon as I pull. No conflicts.
  2. I am shown just as many commits to pull pending immediately after I pull. So if I had 20 commits to pull, and then pulled, I am being shown 20 commits to pull again from the moment I pull onwards.

拉动已完成,但未显示任何错误.我尝试了硬重置以及使用终端而不是 sourcetree 进行拉取.不好.我该如何解决?

The pull was completed without any error shown, though. I tried a hard reset as well as pulling using terminal instead of sourcetree. No good. How do I fix these?



It seems this was happening because I had pushed when pulls were pending. I had to commit and push the working copy appearing automatically after the pull and it is now working fine.


07-24 04:47