




I currently work on a project in which SVN is used as a repository. Locally, I do several "experiments" with the code that I don't want to commit to the repo. Therefore I use git locally on top of the SVN working directory and use multiple branches for different "experiments". So it looks e.g. like this.

C0 ---- C7 (master)
  \---- C1 ---- C2 ---- C4 (exp1)
   \     \       \
    \     \       \---- C3 (exp2)
     \     \
      \     \---- C5 (exp3)
        \---- C6 (exp4)

在分支master上,我希望拥有不受污染的SVN存储库,即C0是SVN存储库修订版x,而C7是SVN存储库修订版x + n.

On branch master I want to have the untainted SVN repo, i.e. C0 is SVN Repo Revision x and C7 is SVN Repo Revision x + n.


Is it somehow easily possible to rebase all the exp branches onto C7 at once in such a way that the tree will look like the following diagram?

C0 ---- C7 (master)
          \---- C1' ---- C2' ---- C4' (exp1)
           \     \         \
            \     \         \---- C3' (exp2)
             \     \
              \     \---- C5' (exp3)
                \---- C6' (exp4)

我想使用rebase,因为我不想修改本地SVN Checkout的状态,并且不想在SVN修订版的基础上进行更改.

I want to use rebase since I don't want to modify the state of my local SVN Checkout and want to have my changes built on top of the SVN revisions.


I'm also interested in solutions that work from within SourceTree without having to use the shell.



You can't get this in one step. At best you move each branch one by one; this would be the sequence:

git rebase --onto master exp1
git rebase --onto c2' c2 exp2
git rebase --onto c1' c1 exp3
git rebase --onto master exp4


The key is to rebase from each branch point in the old tree (e.g. c2 in the above) on to the new tree (e.g. c2' in the above).


07-24 04:44