


I'm designing a program in C that manipulates geometric figures and it would be very convenient if every type of figure could be manipulated by the same primitives.


How can I do this in C?



You generally do it with function pointers. In other words, simple structures that hold both the data and pointers to functions which manipulate that data. We were doing that sort of stuff years before Bjarne S came onto the scene.


So, for example, in a communications class, you would have an open, read, write and close call which would be maintained as four function pointers in the structure, alongside the data for an object, something like:

typedef struct {
    int (*open)(void *self, char *fspec);
    int (*close)(void *self);
    int (*read)(void *self, void *buff, size_t max_sz, size_t *p_act_sz);
    int (*write)(void *self, void *buff, size_t max_sz, size_t *p_act_sz);
    // And the data for the object goes here.
} tCommsClass;

tCommsClass commRs232;
commRs232.open = &rs232Open;
: :
commRs232.write = &rs232Write;

tCommsClass commTcp;
commTcp.open = &tcpOpen;
: :
commTcp.write = &tcpWrite;

这些函数指针的初始化实际上是在一个构造,如 rs232Init(tCommClass *),这将是负责建立的,默认状态具体的目的,以匹配特定的类

The initialisation of those function pointers would actually be in a "constructor" such as rs232Init(tCommClass*), which would be responsible for setting up the default state of that particular object to match a specific class.


When you 'inherit' from that class, you just change the pointers to point to your own functions. Everyone that called those functions would do it through the function pointers, giving you your polymorphism:

int stat = (commTcp.open)(commTcp, "bigiron.box.com:5000");

有点像一个手动配置的虚函数表的,在C ++的说法。

Sort of like a manually configured vtable, in C++ parlance.

您甚至可以通过设置指针为NULL -the行为将C ++因为稍有不同,你可能会得到在运行时核心转储,而不是在编译时错误有虚拟课堂。

You could even have virtual classes by setting the pointers to NULL -the behaviour would be slightly different to C++ inasmuch as you would probably get a core dump at run-time rather than an error at compile time.


Here's a piece of sample code that demonstrates it:

#include <stdio.h>

// The top-level class.

typedef struct _tCommClass {
    int (*open)(struct _tCommClass *self, char *fspec);
} tCommClass;

// Function for the TCP class.

static int tcpOpen (tCommClass *tcp, char *fspec) {
    printf ("Opening TCP: %s\n", fspec);
    return 0;
static int tcpInit (tCommClass *tcp) {
    tcp->open = &tcpOpen;
    return 0;

// Function for the HTML class.

static int htmlOpen (tCommClass *html, char *fspec) {
    printf ("Opening HTML: %s\n", fspec);
    return 0;
static int htmlInit (tCommClass *html) {
    html->open = &htmlOpen;
    return 0;


// Test program.

int main (void) {
    int status;
    tCommClass commTcp, commHtml;

    // Same base class but initialized to different sub-classes.
    tcpInit (&commTcp);
    htmlInit (&commHtml);

    // Called in exactly the same manner.

    status = (commTcp.open)(&commTcp, "bigiron.box.com:5000");
    status = (commHtml.open)(&commHtml, "http://www.microsoft.com");

    return 0;


Opening TCP: bigiron.box.com:5000
Opening HTML: http://www.microsoft.com


so you can see that the different functions are being called, depending on the sub-class.


07-24 04:32