


I'm new to the c# world, and I'm trying to wrap my head around generics. Here is my current problem:

public Interface IAnimal{
  string getType();

public Interface IAnimalGroomer<T> where T:IAnimal{
  void groom(T);


Now I want to have a dictionary that contains these animal groomers. How do I do that? In java, I could do something like this:

HashMap<String,IAnimalGroomer<?>> groomers = new HashMap<>();


Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:

public class  Dog : IAnimal
    public string GetType()
        return "DOG";

    public void ClipNails() { }

public class DogGroomer : IAnimalGroomer<Dog>
    public void Groom(Dog dog)

public class Program
    private List<IAnimalGroomer<IAnimal>> groomers = new List<IAnimalGroomer<IAnimal>>();

    public void doSomething()
        groomers.Add(new DogGroomer());


EDITI think my intentions were unclear in the original post. My ultimate goal is to make an AnimalGroomerClinic that employs different types of IAnimalGroomers. Then animal owners can drop off animals at the clinic, and the clinic can decide which groomer should take care of the animal:

public class AnimalGroomerClinic
    public Dictionary<String, IAnimalGroomer> animalGroomers = new Dictionary<String,IAnimalGroomer>();

    public void employGroomer(IAnimalGroomer groomer){
       animalGroomers.add(groomer.getAnimalType(), groomer);
    public void Groom(IAnimal animal){

我知道我可以做到这一点,而不使用泛型。但是,仿制药让我写这样的方式,它是捆绑(在编译时)为 IAnimal IAnimalGroomer 接口code>。此外, IAnimalGroomer 不需要现浇混凝土,这些类 IAnimals 所有的时间,因为仿制药将迫使实现对付一个特定的一种动物。我已经在Java中使用过这个成语,而我只是想知道,如果有把它写在C#中类似的方式

I realize I could do this without using generics. But the generics allow me to write the IAnimalGroomer interface in such a way that it is tied (at compile time) to a specific instance of IAnimal. In addition, concrete classes of IAnimalGroomer don't need to cast their IAnimals all the time, since generics would force implementations to deal with one specific kind of animal. I have used this idiom before in Java, and I'm just wondering if there is a similar way to write it in C#.


Edit 2:Lots of interesting discussion. I'm accepting an answer that pointed me to dynamic dispatching in the comments.



As Brian pointed out in comments above, maybe dynamic is the way to go here.


Check out the following code. You get the benefits of generics to tie down the API nicely and under the hoods you use dynamic to make things work.

public interface IAnimal

public class Dog : IAnimal

public class Cat : IAnimal

public class BigBadWolf : IAnimal

//I changed `IAnimalGroomer` to an abstract class so you don't have to implement the `AnimalType` property all the time.
public abstract class AnimalGroomer<T> where T:IAnimal
    public Type AnimalType { get { return typeof(T); } }
    public abstract void Groom(T animal);

public class CatGroomer : AnimalGroomer<Cat>
    public override void Groom(Cat animal)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} groomed by {1}", animal.GetType(), this.GetType());

public class DogGroomer : AnimalGroomer<Dog>
    public override void Groom(Dog animal)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} groomed by {1}", animal.GetType(), this.GetType());

public class AnimalClinic
    private Dictionary<Type, dynamic> groomers = new Dictionary<Type, dynamic>();

    public void EmployGroomer<T>(AnimalGroomer<T> groomer) where T:IAnimal
        groomers.Add(groomer.AnimalType, groomer);

    public void Groom(IAnimal animal)
        dynamic groomer;
        groomers.TryGetValue(animal.GetType(), out groomer);

        if (groomer != null)
            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, no groomer available for your {0}", animal.GetType());


var animalClinic = new AnimalClinic();
animalClinic.EmployGroomer(new DogGroomer());
animalClinic.EmployGroomer(new CatGroomer());
animalClinic.Groom(new Dog());
animalClinic.Groom(new Cat());
animalClinic.Groom(new BigBadWolf());


I'm not sure if this is somewhat what you were looking for. Hope it helps!


07-24 04:26