




I noticed today that such a definition

safeDivide x 0 = x
safeDivide = (/)

是不可能的.我只是好奇这背后的(好的)原因是什么.一定有一个非常好的(毕竟是 Haskell :)).

is not possible. I am just curious what the (good) reason behind this is. There must be a very good one (it's Haskell after all :)).


Note: I am not looking suggestions for alternative implementations to the code above, it's a simple example to demonstrate my point.


我认为这主要是为了一致性,以便所有子句可以以相同的方式阅读,可以这么说;即每个 RHS 在函数类型中的相同位置.如果您也允许这样做,我认为会掩盖不少愚蠢的错误.

I think it's mainly for consistency so that all clauses can be read in the same manner, so to speak; i.e. every RHS is at the same position in the type of the function. I think would mask quite a few silly errors if you allowed this, too.


There's also a slight semantic quirk: say the compiler padded out such clauses to have the same number of patterns as the other clauses; i.e. your example would become

safeDivide x 0 = x
safeDivide x y = (/) x y

现在考虑第二行是否是 safeDivide = undefined;如果没有前面的条款,safeDivide 将是 ,但由于这里执行的 eta 扩展,它是 xy ->if y == 0 then x else ⊥ — 所以 safeDivide = undefined 实际上并没有将 safeDivide 定义为 !IMO,这似乎足以证明禁止此类条款的合理性.

Now consider if the second line had instead been safeDivide = undefined; in the absence of the previous clause, safeDivide would be , but thanks to the eta-expansion performed here, it's x y -> if y == 0 then x else ⊥ — so safeDivide = undefined does not actually define safeDivide to be ! This seems confusing enough to justify banning such clauses, IMO.


07-24 04:25