

过去看过的Latex-to-html转换器非常可怕。编辑raw html并没有什么好玩,似乎没有很好地翻译成打印页面。别人如何解决这个问题?



对于记录代码,我还推荐Sphinx。 ReStructured Text是很好的,因为它是可读的,有些标记在明文上,可以做一个很好的工作转换为HTML和pdf。我仍然喜欢LaTeX某些事情。我的妻子和我使用LaTeX写我们的圣诞信,我们通过蜗牛邮件邮寄。 pdf版本很漂亮,有两列,页眉和页脚。 html版本比较简单。我用plastex转换示例:


Latex-to-html converters I've seen in the past have been pretty awful. Editing raw html is no fun and doesn't seem to translate well to the printed page. How do others solve this problem? Links to examples (both pdf and html) would be great.

Added: Another similar question was just asked:

What formatting language should I use for project documentation


For documenting code, I also recommend Sphinx. ReStructured Text is nice because it is readable and somewhat marked up in plaintext, and can do a nice job converting to html and to pdf. I still like LaTeX for certain things. My wife and I use LaTeX to write our christmas letter, which we mail out via snail mail. The pdf version is pretty fancy, with two columns, and headers and footers. The html version is simpler. I convert with plastex. Examples here:http://fedibblety.com/annualReports

I don't think any binary format is a good choice (Word) for any sort of document that you might like to read 10 years from now. That is one of the nice things about LaTeX.


07-24 04:14