本文介绍了Javascript - 将字符串解析为long的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在python中有一个工作脚本,根据指定的基数进行字符串到整数的转换,使用 long(16)

I have a working script in python doing string to integer conversion based on specified radix using long(16):

modulusDecoded = long(public_key["n"], 16)



我试图在JS中获得相同的结果,但 parseInt() parseFloat()完全生成一些东西不同。最重要的是,JavaScript似乎不喜欢输入字符串中的字符,有时会返回NaN。

respectively.This looks like a Hex to decimal conversion.I tried to have the same result in JS but parseInt() and parseFloat() produce something completely different. On top of that JavaScript seems not to like chars in input string and sometimes returns NaN.


Could anyone please provide a function / guidance how to get the same functionality as in Python script?



Numbers in JavaScript are floating point so they always lose precision after a certain digit. To have unlimited numbers one could rather use an array of numbers from 0 to 9, which has an unlimited range. To do so based on the hex string input, i do a hex to int array conversion, then I use the double dabble algorithm to convert the array to BCD. That can be printed easily:

const hexToArray = arr => arr.split("").map(n => parseInt(n,16));

const doubleDabble = arr => {
  var l = arr.length;
  for( var b = l * 4; b--;){

    //add && leftshift
    const overflow = arr.reduceRight((carry,n,i) => {

      //apply the >4 +3, then leftshift
      var shifted = ((i < (arr.length - l ) && n>4)?n+3:n ) << 1;

      //just take the right four bits and add the eventual carry value
      arr[i] = (shifted & 0b1111) | carry;

      //carry on
      return shifted > 0b1111;
    }, 0);
    // we've exceeded the current array, lets extend it:
    if(overflow) arr.unshift(overflow);
  return arr.slice(0,-l);

const arr = hexToArray("8079d7");
const result = doubleDabble(arr);

这篇关于Javascript - 将字符串解析为long的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 12:20