


I am documenting a codebase using Doxygen and was wondering if there is a keyword for declaring an argument to a function to be optional. Something like:

\fn int add(int a, int b=0)
\brief adds two values
\param a the first operand
\param \optional b the second operand.  Default is 0
\return the result


It seems like this is something that should exist, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Is there an actual option, or do I just need to make note in the description?



To answer your question: No, there is no such thing.

但我不同意您的看法,即应该有类似的内容.毕竟,函数声明将与其文档一起显示,因此每个人都可以看到b是可选的,它的默认参数是.有关\fn的信息,请参见doxygen的文档禁止使用\ fn .

But I don't share your opinion that there should be something like that. After all, the function declaration will be displayed together with its documentation, so everybody can see that b is optional and what it's default argument is. And for the \fn see doxygen's documentation discouraging the use of \fn.


07-24 03:55