

假设我有一个具有四个可能属性的对象:a,b,c,d. a和b只能一起出现(即,当且仅当b出现时,a才出现).如果出现a和b,则不会出现c (也就是说,a/b和c是互斥的).如果没有出现a和b,则c可能会出现(但不是必需的). d可以与a/b,c任意组合出现,也可以单独出现.除了a,b,c或d之外,没有其他属性.

Suppose I have an object with four possible properties: a, b, c, d. a and b can only appear together (i.e., a appears if and only if b appears). If a and b appear, c cannot appear (that is, a/b and c are mutually exclusive). If a and b do not appear, c may appear (but is not required to). d can appear in any combination with a/b, c, or on its own. No properties other than a, b, c, or d may appear at all.


How do I express this as a jsonschema? I suspect I could use some combination of oneOf and required, but I can't figure out the proper incantation.



  • 两个:"a"和"b"都存在,而"c"不存在
  • 或:"a"和"b"都不存在. ("c"可能存在或可能不存在)
  • either: both "a" and "b" are present, and "c" is not present
  • or: neither "a" nor "b" is present. ("c" may or may not be present)

在第二点说都不"有点冗长.在这里,我们用allOf/not表示了它. (注意:您不能在这里将它们放在单个required子句中,因为您需要为每个单独的not.)

Saying "neither" in the second point is a bit verbose. Here, we've expressed it using allOf/not. (Note: you can't factor them into a single required clause here, because you need a separate not for each one.)

    "oneOf": [
            "required": ["a", "b"],
            "not": {"required": ["c"]}
            "allOf": [
                    "not": {"required": ["a"]}
                    "not": {"required": ["b"]}



There's also another way to say "neither", which is actually to use oneOf again. Since you must pass exactly one of a oneOf clause, if one of the entries is {} (passes everything), then all the other options are banned.


While it's slightly more concise, it's possibly slightly less intuitive to read:

    "oneOf": [
            "required": ["a", "b"],
            "not": {"required": ["c"]}
            "oneOf": [
                {"required": ["a"]},
                {"required": ["b"]}


08-27 04:21