



假设:将内部字符编码设置为UTF-8&本地浏览器会话为en-US,en; q = 0.5&已经安装了多字节字符串扩展名.不要使用ctype_lower或ctype_upper.


$encodingtype = 'utf8';
$charactervalue = mb_ord($character, $encodingtype);

$characterlowercase = mb_strtolower($character, $encodingtype) ;
$characterlowercasevalue = mb_ord(mb_strtolower($character, $encodingtype));

$characteruppercase = mb_strtoupper($character, $encodingtype);
$characteruppercasevalue = mb_ord(mb_strtoupper($character, $encodingtype));

// Diag Info
echo 'Input: ' . $character . "<br />";
echo 'Input Value: ' . $charactervalue = mb_ord($character, $encodingtype) . "<br />" . "<br />";
echo 'Lowercase: ' . $characterlowercase = mb_strtolower($character, $encodingtype) . "<br />";
echo 'Lowercase Value: ' . $characterlowercasevalue = mb_ord(mb_strtolower($character, $encodingtype)) . "<br />" . "<br />";
echo 'Uppercase: ' . $characteruppercase = mb_strtoupper($character, $encodingtype) . "<br />";
echo 'Uppercase Value: ' . $characteruppercasevalue = mb_ord(mb_strtoupper($character, $encodingtype)) . "<br />" . "<br />";
// Diag Info

if ($charactervalue == $characterlowercasevalue and $charactervalue != $characteruppercasevalue){
    $uppercase = 0;
    $lowercase = 1;
    echo 'Is character is lowercase' . "<br />" . "<br />";

elseif ($charactervalue == $characteruppercasevalue and $charactervalue != $characterlowercasevalue ){
    $uppercase = 1;
    $lowercase = 0;
    echo 'Character is uppercase' . "<br />" . "<br />";

    $uppercase = 0;
    $lowercase = 0;
    echo 'Character is neither lowercase or uppercase' . "<br />" . "<br />";

  • //测试1 A//输出->字符为大写
  • //Test 2 z//输出->字符为小写
  • //测试3 +//输出->字符为小写
  • //测试4 0//输出->字符既不小写也不大写
  • //测试5ǻ//带有小环且尖锐的拉丁小写字母A//输出->字符为小写
  • //测试6Ͱ希腊大写字母HETA////输出->字符为大写
  • //测试7''NULL//输出->字符既不是小写也不是大写




有关正则表达式中的unicode字母的很好参考: https://regular-expressions.mobi/unicode. html

写两个由管道分隔的捕获组意味着每种类型的字母都将放入输出数组中的不同索引元素中. [0]是全字符串匹配(在这种情况下,从不使用,但不可避免的是生成). [1]将保留大写匹配(如果存在小写匹配,则为空-作为占位元素). [2]将保留小写字母匹配-仅在存在小写字母匹配时生成.




$lookup = ['neither', 'upper', 'lower'];
$tests = ['A', 'z', '+', '0', 'ǻ', 'Ͱ', null];

foreach ($tests as $test) {
    $index = preg_match('~(\p{Lu})|(\p{Ll})~u', $test, $out) ? array_key_last($out) : 0;
    echo "{$test}: {$lookup[$index]}\n";


A: upper
z: lower
+: neither
0: neither
ǻ: lower
Ͱ: upper
: neither

对于尚未使用php7.3的任何人,您可以像这样调用 end()然后调用key() :


foreach ($tests as $test) {
    if (preg_match('~(\p{Lu})|(\p{Ll})~u', $test, $out)) {
        end($out); // advance pointer to final element
        $index = key($out);
    } else {
        $index = 0;
    echo "{$test}: {$lookup[$index]}\n";



foreach ($tests as $test) {
    preg_match('~(\p{Lu})|(\p{Ll})|~u', $test, $out);
    echo "\n{$test}: " , $lookup[sizeof($out) - 1];

What is an ideal way to detected if a character is uppercase or lowercase, regardless of the fact of the current local language.

Is there a more direct function?

Assumptions: Set internal character encoding to UTF-8 & Local browser session is en-US,en;q=0.5 & Have installed Multibyte String extension. Do not use ctype_lower, or ctype_upper.

See below test code that should be multibyte compatible.

$encodingtype = 'utf8';
$charactervalue = mb_ord($character, $encodingtype);

$characterlowercase = mb_strtolower($character, $encodingtype) ;
$characterlowercasevalue = mb_ord(mb_strtolower($character, $encodingtype));

$characteruppercase = mb_strtoupper($character, $encodingtype);
$characteruppercasevalue = mb_ord(mb_strtoupper($character, $encodingtype));

// Diag Info
echo 'Input: ' . $character . "<br />";
echo 'Input Value: ' . $charactervalue = mb_ord($character, $encodingtype) . "<br />" . "<br />";
echo 'Lowercase: ' . $characterlowercase = mb_strtolower($character, $encodingtype) . "<br />";
echo 'Lowercase Value: ' . $characterlowercasevalue = mb_ord(mb_strtolower($character, $encodingtype)) . "<br />" . "<br />";
echo 'Uppercase: ' . $characteruppercase = mb_strtoupper($character, $encodingtype) . "<br />";
echo 'Uppercase Value: ' . $characteruppercasevalue = mb_ord(mb_strtoupper($character, $encodingtype)) . "<br />" . "<br />";
// Diag Info

if ($charactervalue == $characterlowercasevalue and $charactervalue != $characteruppercasevalue){
    $uppercase = 0;
    $lowercase = 1;
    echo 'Is character is lowercase' . "<br />" . "<br />";

elseif ($charactervalue == $characteruppercasevalue and $charactervalue != $characterlowercasevalue ){
    $uppercase = 1;
    $lowercase = 0;
    echo 'Character is uppercase' . "<br />" . "<br />";

    $uppercase = 0;
    $lowercase = 0;
    echo 'Character is neither lowercase or uppercase' . "<br />" . "<br />";

  • // Test 1 A // Output-> Character is uppercase
  • // Test 2 z // Output-> Character is lowercase
  • // Test 3 + // Output-> Character is lowercase
  • // Test 4 0 // Output-> Character is neither lowercase or uppercase
  • // Test 5 ǻ // LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE AND ACUTE // Output-> Character is lowercase
  • // Test 6 Ͱ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER HETA // Output-> Character is uppercase
  • // Test 7 '' NULL // Output-> Character is neither lowercase or uppercase


I feel the most direct way would be to write a regex pattern to determine the character type.

In the following snippet, I'll search for uppercase letters (including unicode) in the first capture group, or lowercase letters in the second capture group. If the pattern makes no match, the character is not a letter.

A good reference for unicode letters in regex: https://regular-expressions.mobi/unicode.html

Writing two capture groups separated by a pipe means each type of letter will be slotted into a different indexed element in the output array. [0] is the fullstring match (never used in this case, but its generation is unavoidable). [1] will hold the uppercase match (or be empty when there is a lowercase match -- as a placeholding element). [2] will hold the lowercase match -- it will only be generated if there is a lowercase match.

For this reason, we can assume the highest key in the matches array will determine the casing of the letter.

If the input character is a non-letter, preg_match() will return the falsey result of 0 to represent the number of matches, when this happens 0 is used with the lookup to access neither.

Code: (Demo) (Pattern Demo)

$lookup = ['neither', 'upper', 'lower'];
$tests = ['A', 'z', '+', '0', 'ǻ', 'Ͱ', null];

foreach ($tests as $test) {
    $index = preg_match('~(\p{Lu})|(\p{Ll})~u', $test, $out) ? array_key_last($out) : 0;
    echo "{$test}: {$lookup[$index]}\n";


A: upper
z: lower
+: neither
0: neither
ǻ: lower
Ͱ: upper
: neither

For anyone who is not yet on php7.3, you can call end() then key() like this:

Code: (Demo)

foreach ($tests as $test) {
    if (preg_match('~(\p{Lu})|(\p{Ll})~u', $test, $out)) {
        end($out); // advance pointer to final element
        $index = key($out);
    } else {
        $index = 0;
    echo "{$test}: {$lookup[$index]}\n";

My first approach makes a minimum of one function call per test, and a maximum of two calls. My solution can be made into a one-liner by writing the preg_ call inside of $lookup[ and ], but I'm aiming for readability.

p.s. Here is another variation that I dreamed up. The difference is that preg_match() always makes a match because of the final empty "alternative" (empty branch).

foreach ($tests as $test) {
    preg_match('~(\p{Lu})|(\p{Ll})|~u', $test, $out);
    echo "\n{$test}: " , $lookup[sizeof($out) - 1];


08-15 01:08