




I am fleshing out the doxygen documentation for my modules and came across a strange problem. When referencing variables located in a namespace autolinking does not work. Here is a snippet:

namespace isa {

const double H_max= 10000; //!< @brief Maximum altitude in meters.

//! @brief Calculate air densitity at altitude \a H.
//! @throw argument_exception when \a H exceeds ::H_max.
double rho(double H);

} // namespace isa


I would expect doxygen to put a link to H_max at the exception description of function rho(double) to direct the reader to the constant. But it only does if I leave away the namespace, otherwise autolinking does not work.




好,所以这里的问题不是doxygen的错误行为,而是对方法的误解全局名称空间前缀 :: 起作用。

OK, so the problem here is not a doxygen wrong behavior, but a misunderstanding on how the global namespace prefix :: works.

:: H_max 标识在全局名称空间中定义的符号,即在任何名称空间中定义的符号。恐怕-如果我错了,请纠正我-您期望它充当父目录 .. 标识符的地方。

::H_max identifies a symbol defined in the global namespace, that is, out of any namespace. I'm afraid - correct me if I'm wrong - that you where expecting it to behave as the parent directory .. identifier.

当doxygen处理您提供的代码片段时,它不会在异常描述中链接 :: H_max ,因为它找不到 H_max 变量。如果删除双冒号前缀,则应提供指向 isa :: H_max 的链接。

When doxygen processes the code snippet you provided, it doesn't link ::H_max in the exception description because it cannot find a H_max variable in the global namespace. If you remove the double colon prefix, it should provide a link to isa::H_max.


07-24 03:49