我开始使用 doxygen 来生成我的Python代码的文档。
我使用 doxypy
I started working with doxygen to generate the documentation of my Python code.I use doxypy
filter to preprocess the Python docstrings.My goal is to have a nice syntax highlighting of doxygen comments in Python.
在专用.dox中编写 mainpage 时文件,我发现doxygen注释可以在 vim 中使用以下命令突出显示:
When writing my mainpage in a dedicated .dox file, I found that the doxygen comments can be highlighted in vim with the following command:
set syntax=c.doxygen
设置语法= python.doxygen
I tried the same command for Python but I got nothing: set syntax=python.doxygen
I also made some googling and couldn't find anything interesting
Here is a typical piece of code I'd like to highlight:
class CompilationTab:
The compilation tab of the verif GUI. It contains the layout description
and the functions required to deal with specific behaviors of the tab
def __init__(self, notebook, tab_name):
The class constructor.
@param notebook Notebook: The parent @c Notebook widget
@param tab_name String: The display name of the tab
Does anybody already fixed this issue?Thank you for help!
如果您查看 syntax / doxygen.vim
If you look into syntax/doxygen.vim
you can read in the preamble of the file that currently only
cpp, c, idl, doxygen and php
自 doxygen.vim
与 syn区域
命令非常配合,我搜索了定义<$中多行字符串的行。 c $ c> syntax / python.vim 。
Since doxygen.vim
works a lot with the syn region
command i searched for the line that defines the multiline string in syntax/python.vim
The interesting part of the command that defines this region is
syn region pythonString start=+[uU]\=\z('''\|"""\)+ end="\z1" keepend
由此衍生出 doxygen.vim中的内容
Derived from that what is in doxygen.vim
and the above line you can add the following lines
"delete the following line if you don't want to have enhanced colors
let g:doxygen_enhanced_color=1
runtime! syntax/doxygen.vim
syn region doxygenComment matchgroup=pythonString start=+[uU]\=\z('''\|"""\)+ end="\z1" contains=doxygenSyncStart,doxygenStart,doxygenTODO keepend fold containedin=pythonString
至〜/ .vim /after/syntax/python.vim
In addition you may have to customize the colors of the added doxygen highlighting groups by hand. At least i would do so since the resulting look doesn't conform with my taste.
也许是倍 foldmethod
设置为<$ c $,则 syn
命令的$ c>参数特别有用。 c>语法,您可以折叠和展开多行注释,如果您不再能忍受这些颜色的视图而懒于调整它们,这似乎很有用:)
Perhaps the fold
argument of the syn
command is of special interest for you. If you set foldmethod
to syntax
you can fold and unfold the multiline comments. That seems to be useful if you could no longer stand the view of those colors and are to lazy to adjust them :)
具有突出显示的doxygen和 g:doxygen_enhanced_color == 1
with doxygen highlighting and g:doxygen_enhanced_color == 1