




Is it possible (and how)? I really need this for several remote computers where I've got ssh access (but no root access).


您可以尝试使用 chsh 命令.您确定远程计算机上未安装zsh吗?如果没有,则可以执行此操作(引自 zsh常见问题解答第1.7节)

You can try the chsh command. Are you sure zsh isn't installed on the distant computer? If not, you can do this (quoted from zsh FAQ Section 1.7)


The basic idea is to use exec to replace the current shell with zsh. Often you can do this in a login file such as .profile (if your shell is sh or ksh) or .login (if it's csh). Make sure you have some way of altering the file (e.g. via FTP) before you try this as exec is often rather unforgiving.


If you have zsh in a subdirectory bin of your home directory, put this in .profile:

[ -f $HOME/bin/zsh ] && exec $HOME/bin/zsh -l


or if your login shell is csh or tcsh, put this in .login:

if ( -f ~/bin/zsh ) exec ~/bin/zsh -l


(in each case the -l tells zsh it is a login shell).


If you want to check this works before committing yourself to it, you can make the login shell ask whether to exec zsh. The following work for Bourne-like shells:

[ -f $HOME/bin/zsh ] && {
        echo "Type Y to run zsh: \c"
        read line
        [ "$line" = Y ] && exec $HOME/bin/zsh -l


and for C-shell-like shells:

if ( -f ~/bin/zsh ) then
        echo -n "Type Y to run zsh: "
        if ( "$<" == Y ) exec ~/bin/zsh -l

将其(即使没有-l)放入.cshrc中也不是一个好主意,至少没有对csh应该做的事情进行任何测试,因为这将导致每个实例的csh转换为zsh并会导致不调用 csh -f 的csh脚本(是的,不幸的是,有人编写了这些脚本)失败.如果要告诉xterm运行zsh,请在执行zsh的同时将SHELL环境变量更改为zsh的完整路径(实际上,即使您不使用xterm,这对于保持一致性也很有意义).如果必须从.cshrc中执行zsh,则最小的安全检查是($?prompt)是否执行zsh.

It's not a good idea to put this (even without the -l) into .cshrc, at least without some tests on what the csh is supposed to be doing, as that will cause every instance of csh to turn into a zsh and will cause csh scripts (yes, unfortunately some people write these) which do not call csh -f to fail. If you want to tell xterm to run zsh, change the SHELL environment variable to the full path of zsh at the same time as you exec zsh (in fact, this is sensible for consistency even if you aren't using xterm). If you have to exec zsh from your .cshrc, a minimum safety check is if ($?prompt) exec zsh.

如果您希望登录shell以-zsh的形式显示在进程列表中,则可以将zsh链接到-zsh(例如,通过ln -s〜/bin/zsh〜/bin/-zsh)并将exec更改为exec-zsh.(确保-zsh在您的路径中.)这与-l选项具有相同的效果.

If you like your login shell to appear in the process list as -zsh, you can link zsh to -zsh (e.g. by ln -s ~/bin/zsh ~/bin/-zsh) and change the exec to exec -zsh. (Make sure -zsh is in your path.) This has the same effect as the -l option.


Footnote: if you DO have root access, make sure zsh goes in /etc/shells on all appropriate machines, including NIS clients, or you may have problems with FTP to that machine.


07-24 03:25