


I am learning C and trying to make a function that would create an array of arrays of strings.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

void parse(char ***aoa)
char *string = calloc(9, sizeof(char));        //create a string of size 8+1
strcpy(string, "hi world");                   // put text in that array
char **array = calloc(10, sizeof(char *));    //create an array of strings
aoa = calloc(10, sizeof(char *));             //create and array of arrays
aoa[0] = array;                               //assign string array to the 0th elements of new array
array[0] = string;                            //assign our string to 0th element of string carry
printf("%s\n", aoa[0][0]);                    //print 0th element of 0th array.

int main()
char ***array = NULL;
printf("%s\n", array[0][0]);
return 1;

aoa(数组数组)在堆上,因此两种方法都应该相同.它的确在parse函数中打印了"hi world",但是在main中却给出了Segmentation Fault,我的代码有什么问题?

The aoa (array of arrays) is on the heap so it should be the same for both methods. It does print "hi world" in the parse function, but gives Segmentation Fault in main, what is the problem with my code?


Obviously I need to free() everything and do error checking, but I removed it to show the gist of the problem


有一个很好的经验法则,说如果发现自己需要两个以上的间接调用,那么程序设计就很糟糕. (三星级编程")

There is a sound rule of thumb saying that if you ever find yourself in need of more than two levels of indirection, then your program design is bad. ("Three star programming")


You are also using pointer-based lookup-tables rather than arrays. This causes segmentation and prevents you to regard the allocated result as a chunk of contiguous memory.


On top of that, your code has several other issues.I would consider rewriting it from scratch and actually use multi-dimensional arrays instead. Here is a working example:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

bool create_string_array2d (size_t x,
                            size_t y,
                            size_t max_length,
                            char (**string_array)[x][y][max_length]);

void print_string_array2d (size_t x,
                           size_t y,
                           size_t max_length,
                           char string_array[x][y][max_length]);

static void fill_with_junk (size_t x,
                            size_t y,
                            size_t max_length,
                            char string_array[x][y][max_length]);

int main()
  const size_t X = 9;
  const size_t Y = 10;
  const size_t MAX_CHARS = sizeof("hi world xx yy");

  char (*array)[X][Y][MAX_CHARS];
  bool result;

  result = create_string_array2d(X, Y, MAX_CHARS, &array);

  if(result == false)
    printf("out of memory, halt & catch fire");
    return 0;

  fill_with_junk(X, Y, MAX_CHARS, *array);

  print_string_array2d(X, Y, MAX_CHARS, *array);


  return 0;

bool create_string_array2d (size_t x,
                            size_t y,
                            size_t max_length,
                            char (**string_array)[x][y][max_length])
  *string_array = calloc(1, sizeof(char[x][y][max_length]));

  return string_array != NULL;

void print_string_array2d (size_t x,
                           size_t y,
                           size_t max_length,
                           char string_array[x][y][max_length])
  for(size_t i=0; i<x; i++)
    for(size_t j=0; j<y; j++)
      printf("%s\n", string_array[i][j] );

static void fill_with_junk (size_t x,
                            size_t y,
                            size_t max_length,
                            char string_array [x][y][max_length])
  for(size_t i=0; i<x; i++)
    for(size_t j=0; j<y; j++)
      char junk [sizeof("hi world xx yy ")] = "hi world ";
      char num  [sizeof("xx ")];
      sprintf(num, "%.2d ", (int)i);
      strcat(junk, num);
      sprintf(num, "%.2d", (int)j);
      strcat(junk, num);

      strcpy(string_array[i][j], junk);


09-05 08:33