

Delphi XE2文档中有关TEvent的内容是这样的:

The Delphi XE2 documentation says this about TEvent:


When a thread completes an operation that other threads depend on, it calls TEvent.SetEvent. SetEvent turns on the signal, so any other thread that checks will know that the operation has completed. To turn off the signal, use the ResetEvent method.


For example, consider a situation where you must wait for several threads to complete their execution rather than a single thread. Because you don't know which thread will finish last, you can't simply use the WaitFor method of one of the threads. Instead, you can have each thread increment a counter when it is finished, and have the last thread signal that they are all done by setting an event.


The Delphi documentation does not, however, explain how another thread can detect that TEvent.Set event was called. Could you please explain how to check to see if TEvent.Set was called?


如果要测试是否已发出事件信号,请致电 WaitFor 方法并传递超时值0.如果设置了该事件,它将返回wrSignaled .如果没有,它将立即超时并返回 wrTimeout .

If you want to test if an event is signaled or not, call the WaitFor method and pass a timeout value of 0. If the event is set, it will return wrSignaled. If not, it will time out immediately and return wrTimeout.

话虽如此,事件的正常用法不是检查事件是否以这种方式发出信号,而是通过阻塞当前线程直到发出事件信号来进行同步.您可以通过将一个非零值传递给timeout参数来执行此操作,如果可以确定常量将要完成并想等到它,则可以将常量 INFINITE 传递给该参数,如果不这样做,则可以传递一个较小的值不想无限期地阻塞.

Having said that, the normal usage of an event is not to check whether it's signaled in this manner, but to synchronize by blocking the current thread until the event is signaled. You do this by passing a nonzero value to the timeout parameter, either the constant INFINITE if you're certain that it will finish and you want to wait until it does, or a smaller value if you don't want to block for an indefinite amount of time.


09-04 21:19