在共享点服务器上执行计时器作业的开始时间为12:00 AM,结束时间为1:45 AM.
Execution of timer job start time 12:00AM and end time is 1:45AM on sharepoint server.
在时钟更改当天,它在2:48 AM执行.
During clock change day it execute on 2:48 AM.
Is there any sharepoint clock adjustment?? or How it works after end time when system clock change due to day light saving?
Rajeshkumar Chavan
Rajeshkumar Chavan
根据您的问题与SharePoint更相关,我将其移至SharePoint 2013-常规讨论和问题论坛,以提供适当的支持.
According to your question is more related to SharePoint, I will move it to SharePoint 2013 - General Discussions and Questions forum for suitable support.
CLR论坛讨论并询问有关.NET Framework基类(BCL)的问题,例如集合,I/O,注册表,全球化,反射.还讨论基于.NET Framework构建或扩展的所有其他Microsoft库,包括托管库. 可扩展性框架(MEF),制图控件,CardSpace,Windows Identity Foundation(WIF),销售点(POS),事务.
The CLR Forum discuss and ask questions about .NET Framework Base Classes (BCL) such as Collections, I/O, Regigistry, Globalization, Reflection. Also discuss all the other Microsoft libraries that are built on or extend the .NET Framework, including Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), Charting Controls, CardSpace, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF), Point of Sale (POS), Transactions.