本文介绍了从EXT js 3.4移植到EXT js 5.0的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在Sencha上有一个Web应用程序,目前正在使用Sencha Architect 3.2使用ExtJS 3.4功能,希望将一些表单移植到ExtJS 5.0。




从Ext JS 3.x移动到> = 4.x(在你的情况下是5.x)是一个完整的应用程序重写。

4.0,Ext JS完全改变了类系统的工作原理(使用类似 Ext.define()的语法) - 一个突破性的变化如此激烈,移植一个3.x应用程序只是不可能。 API变化比比皆是,特别是你越过5.x和6.x越远。使用Sencha Cmd也将是完全陌生的。

你需要使用MVC吗?不,但这当然是推荐的做法。如果您正在考虑Ext JS 5.x,MVVM也将成为一个选项。

我的建议是从Sencha接受培训班,以达到最快的速度Ext JS提供的最新最伟大的事情。然后从新版本的应用程序开始;不要只是尝试将它从一个版本移植到另一个版本。

I have a web application on Sencha currently using ExtJS 3.4 functionality using the Sencha Architect 3.2, want to port/Migrate some forms to ExtJS 5.0.

What will be the changes required? they will be minor or Major ? Do I need to change whole structure to MVC ?

Quick reply will be appreciated.


Moving from Ext JS 3.x to >= 4.x (in your case, 5.x) is a complete application rewrite.

In 4.0, Ext JS completely changed how the class system works (using syntax like Ext.define()) -- a breaking change so drastic that porting a 3.x app is just not possible. API changes abound, particularly the farther along you look into 5.x and 6.x. The use of Sencha Cmd will also be completely foreign to you.

Do you need to use MVC? No... but it's certainly a recommended practice. If you're considering Ext JS 5.x, MVVM also becomes an option.

My advice is to take a training class from Sencha to get up-to-speed on the latest-and-greatest things offered in Ext JS. Then start from scratch on a new version of your app; don't just try to port it from one version to another.

这篇关于从EXT js 3.4移植到EXT js 5.0的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 02:38