




As far as IE, my understanding is you have to try and instantiate an ActiveXObject and then check this succeeds, and you can then query the version through the instanced plugin... nothing particularly exciting.

但是在Firefox(我认为其他NPAPI浏览器)上,您可以检查已安装的插件并获取DLL名称,等等(至少在Windows上如此)。除了已存在的插件外,我还能确切地找到 什么?插件文件名,还有其他内容吗?

But on Firefox (and I think other NPAPI browsers) you can check for installed plugins and get the DLL name, etc (on Windows at least). What exactly can I find out about installed plugins other than if it exists? Plugin file name, anything else?

编辑:而且,可以 IE支持 any 查询插件而无需创建的方式实例,在较新的版本中?

edit: And, does IE support any way of querying plugins without creating an instance, in newer versions?


对于Gecko,属性为。在WebKit上,您只有MDN上标有 DOM 0 的标签(尽管也有人建议将版本信息添加到WebKit中)。

For Gecko, the properties are listed on MDN. On WebKit, you only have the ones labeled DOM 0 on MDN (although there is a proposal to add the version info to WebKit as well).


07-24 02:28