本文介绍了在iOS上使用OpenGL ES 2.0进行实例化绘制的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



任何人都可以确认是否可以使用内置变量 gl_InstanceID (或 gl_InstanceIDEXT )在iOS上使用OpenGL ES 2.0且启用了 GL_EXT_draw_instanced 的顶点着色器?

Can anyone confirm whether it is possible to use the built-in variable gl_InstanceID (or gl_InstanceIDEXT) in a vertex shader using OpenGL ES 2.0 on iOS with GL_EXT_draw_instanced enabled?



I want to draw multiple instances of an object using glDrawArraysInstanced and gl_InstanceID, and I want my application to run on multiple platforms, including iOS.

规范明确指出这些功能需要ES 3.0。根据 ES 3.0仅适用于少数设备(基于A7 GPU;因此适用于iPhone 5s,但不适用于iPhone 5或更早版本)。

The specification clearly says that these features require ES 3.0. According to the iOS Device Compatibility Reference ES 3.0 is only available on a few devices (those based on the A7 GPU; so iPhone 5s, but not on iPhone 5 or earlier).


So my first assumption was that I needed to avoid using instanced drawing on older iOS devices.

然而,在兼容性参考文档中,它表示所有SGX Series 5处理器均支持扩展(包括iPhone 5和4s)。

However, further down in the compatibility reference document it says that the EXT_draw_instanced extension is supported for all SGX Series 5 processors (that includes iPhone 5 and 4s).


This makes me think that I could indeed use instanced drawing on older iOS devices too, by looking up and using the appropriate extension function (EXT or ARB) for glDrawArraysInstanced.


I'm currently just running some test code using SDL and GLEW on Windows so I haven't tested anything on iOS yet.


However, in my current setup I'm having trouble using the gl_InstanceID built-in variable in a vertex shader. I'm getting the following error message:


Enabling the "draw_instanced" extension in GLSL has no effect:

#extension GL_ARB_draw_instanced : enable
#extension GL_EXT_draw_instanced : enable

错误消失时我特别声明我需要ES 3.0(GLSL 300 ES):

The error goes away when I specifically declare that I need ES 3.0 (GLSL 300 ES):

#version 300 es

虽然在ES 2.0上下文中我的Windows桌面计算机似乎运行正常但我怀疑这适用于iPhone 5。

Although that seem to work fine on my Windows desktop machine in an ES 2.0 context I doubt that this would work on an iPhone 5.


So, shall I abandon the idea of being able to use instanced drawing on older iOS devices?



它们可用于所有GPU,PowerVR SGX,Apple A7,A8。

You can see that it's available on all of their GPUs, PowerVR SGX, Apple A7, A8.

(看起来@ Shammi没有回来......如果他们这样做,你可以改变接受的答案:)

(Looks like @Shammi's not coming back... if they do, you can change the accepted answer :)

这篇关于在iOS上使用OpenGL ES 2.0进行实例化绘制的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 15:29