


Some internet addresses are html encoded and I want to decode to normal strings. For example http%3A%3D%3Dgoogle%2Ecom to http://google.com. How can I do simply?


using System.Net; // add this at the top of your code file
// the code to decode:
string input = "http%3A%3D%3Dgoogle%2Ecom";
string decoded = WebUtility.UrlDecode(input);


The WebUtility class doesn't exist in older versions, so if you use an older .NET version, add a reference to System.Web and use this code:

using System.Web; // add this at the top of your code file
// the code to decode:
string input = "http%3A%3D%3Dgoogle%2Ecom";
string decoded = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(input);

注意:上面的代码转换它进入 http:== google.com 而不是 http://google.com ,因为%3D 不代表斜线。如果你想要斜杠,请使用%2F

Note: the above code transforms it into http:==google.com and not http://google.com, because %3D doesn't represent a slash. Use %2F if you want a slash.


08-23 19:20