本文介绍了OAuth Provider 的推荐数据库结构的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 DevDefined 库实现 OAuth 提供程序.

I am implementing an OAuth Provider using DevDefined library.


I wonder if there is any recommended database structure for storing consumer and token data on the server side.


Any advice on this would be appreciated.


注意:下面的答案主要适用于 OAuth 1.0

我对 DevDefined 库一无所知.但这里是对我在最新项目中使用 SQL 数据库最终使用的数据库设计的非技术性描述.

I don't really know anything about the DevDefined library. But here is a non-technical description of the database design I ended up working with in my latest project, using an SQL database.


It should cover everything needed to follow the basic specification. I've tried to keep it down to an absolute minimum.


  • 令牌(我在这里使用 MD5,主键)
  • consumerKey(消费者的唯一标识符)
  • 秘密 (SHA1)
  • createTime(时间戳)
  • 回调


  • 令牌(MD5,主键)
  • 秘密 (SHA1)
  • 消费者密钥
  • userID(指资源所有者)
  • 创建时间


Consumers (registered third party applications)

  • consumerKey(MD5,主键)
  • 消费者秘密 (SHA1)
  • userID(指注册应用的开发者,非唯一)
  • 描述(描述应用程序的文本)
  • 名称(应用程序的名称)
  • 回调


  • 随机数
  • 时间戳

随机数的处理对我来说真的是最大的设计问题.OAuth 告诉您永远不要允许相同的随机数再次与相同的时间戳一起使用.但这将形成一个无限大的数据库.我认为大多数提供商至少偶尔会批量处理旧的 nonce.

The handling of nonces was really the biggest design question for me. OAuth tells you to never allow the same nonce to be used with the same timestamp ever again. But that would make for an infinitely huge database. I think most providers batch away old nonces at least once in a while.

我经常清除超过 5 分钟的随机数,前提是所有时间戳超过 5 分钟的请求都会被拒绝.在检查时间戳时,我有点宽容,它们必须是 UTC,并且不能超过 5 分钟,并且不能超过我的服务器时间超过 1 分钟.

I routinely clear away nonces older than 5 minutes, based on the premise that all requests with a timestamp older than 5 minutes are rejected. I am slightly forgiving when checking timestamps, they need to be UTC and either not older than 5 minutes, and not ahead of my server time more than one minute.

这篇关于OAuth Provider 的推荐数据库结构的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 22:45