本文介绍了adobe AIR 应用程序和蓝牙的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想构建一个 adobe Air 应用程序,通过蓝牙将图像发送到手机.您是否知道直接或间接执行此操作的框架或库?我的意思是只使用 flex 还是我还必须使用另一种语言,例如 java?

I want to build a adobe Air application that sends an image to a mobile phone via bluetooth.Do you know of a framework or library to do that directly or indirectly? I mean using only flex or do I have to use another language also, such as java?


any hints are welcomethanks in advancethodoris


嘿 Thodoris.您可能必须使用 merapi + 一个基于 java 构建的蓝牙 api.

Hey Thodoris. You'll probably have to use merapi + a bluetooth api built on java.

我不确定它是否是社区的一部分,但我最近听说该框架已移植到 c#.

I'm not sure if it is part of the community, but I heard recently that the framework has been ported to c#.

当然还有其他选择.例如,有一种方法可以通过 AIR 安装来部署 weborb.然后,使用在客户端运行的 java 或 iis服务器"实例,您可以通过本地主机amfEndpoint"调用 java 或 .net 方法.

There are certainly other options as well. For example, there is a way to deploy weborb with your AIR install. Then, with the instance of a java or iis 'server' running client-side, you can invoke java or .net methods through a localhost "amfEndpoint".


I hope those couple of options help. Best of luck. --jeremy

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07-24 02:12