



我想通过特殊的电子邮件帐户自动发送邮件,但是现在,我只知道电子邮件地址:[email protected]和密码。所以您知道如何获取SMTP服务器。下面是我的C#代码:

I want to send mail automatically by special email account, but now, I only know the email address: [email protected] , and the password. so do you know how to get the SMTP server. below is my C# code:

        SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();

        client.Host = "What is the SMTP Server, I want to get from email address, can you help me";
        string account = "[email protected]";
        string password = "Qoros111";

        client.Port = 587;
        client.EnableSsl = true;
        client.Timeout = 100000;

        client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
        client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
        client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(account, password);


您可以通过以下方式找到域的SMTP服务器:托管电子邮件地址的一部分(在您的示例中为 qorosauto.com ),然后查找。

You find the SMTP server of a domain by taking the host part of the email address (qorosauto.com in your example) and looking up the MX record for it.

$ dig +short mx qorosauto.com
10 euq2.qorosauto.com.
5 euq1.qorosauto.com.

主机名前的数字表示优先级-在这种情况下为 euq1.qorosauto。 com 是首选的服务器。

The number before the hostname indicate preference - in this case euq1.qorosauto.com is the preferred server to connect to.


Doing this in .Net is not straight-forward, as the answer to this question indicates: How to get mx records for a dns name with System.Net.DNS?


To add to the problems, many ISPs will filter your connection in the firewall and won't let you talk to any SMTP server except the ISPs one, which in turn will relay the mail to the recipient.


Essentially, you want to use your ISPs or organizations SMTP server - not the recipients MX.


07-24 01:55