



在URL中使用电子邮件地址是否安全?我的意思是说一个Web应用程序有一个注册用户"Bob",而Bob已通过使用他的电子邮件=> [email protected]进行了注册.现在您有什么看法,应用程序是否可以安全地接受和处理//application.com/[email protected]上的GET请求以及每个用户使用的相同类型的URL?

Is it safe to use e-mail addresses inside URLs?I mean lets say a web-application has a registered user "Bob" and Bob has been registered by using his email => [email protected]. Now what's your opinion, is it safe for the application to accept and work with GET requests on //application.com/[email protected] and the same kind of URLs for every user?



Basically it depends on if you love or hate your users. When you do what you suggest, these URLs will spread on HTML pages on the web. Not necessarily confined to your own site, because people may link to it.


When your page gains enough traction to become important, crawler authors for spam bots will notice and add rules to their crawlers to extract the email address from URLs. It might even not be necessary, because some dumb regexes might already find the email without adaption.

然后,用委婉的说法,您的用户的电子邮件地址将进入垃圾邮件发送者的列表,并获得不需要的广告". (这些电子邮件列表也将具有很高的价值,因为它们被验证"为真实的现有列表.)

Then, your users' email addresses will land on spammers' lists and get "unwanted adverts", euphemistically speaking. (These email lists will be rather high-valued, too, because they are "verified" to be real, existing ones.)


What you're doing here is giving away a private bit of identification your users trusted you with. Never ever allow that to be in public, unless your users told you so!


From a technical perspective, you can just go for it.


07-24 01:54