



创建可以在Linux上使用service运行的Java应用程序的最佳方法是什么?我打算在这里使用JSW ,但不能使用该许可证(许可证是GPL或据我所知,它需要花钱。我需要一个apache风格的许可证。

What is the best way to create a java application that can be run using ‘service’ on Linux? I was going to use the JSW available here, but cannot use the licence on that (licence is either GPL or it costs money as far as I can tell). I’d need an apache style licence.


I’m using maven to build, so it would be great if it was possible to create the service using a maven plugin, but any other suggestions would be great.


I've seen Apache Commons Daemon, is there a maven plugin for this? Documentation seems sparse, so a working example of this would be good...



Linux上的服务只是启动后台进程的shell脚本。看看 /etc/init.d - 您可以在文本编辑器中打开文件。你需要的只是一个bash脚本,它以适当的方式响应参数 start stop (例如。 start 将启动您的服务并将进程ID记录在已知位置, stop 将使用文件中的PID终止进程你创建了),然后把它放在 /etc/init.d

Services on Linux are just shell scripts which start background processes. Have a look in /etc/init.d - you can open the files in a text editor. All you need is a bash script which responds to the parameters start and stop in an appropriate way (eg. start will start your service and record the process ID in a known location, stop will kill the process with the PID from the file you created), and then place it in /etc/init.d.



07-24 01:49