

本文介绍了如何在Google Compute Engine上接收电子邮件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Google's compute engine blocks all outgoing email ports by default. Quote from Compute Engine Documentation

作为对此的解决方案,Google建议使用SendGrid之类的第三方网站来管理电子邮件. SendGrid可以轻松地帮助您发送电子邮件,但是接收电子邮件并非易事.

As a solution to this, Google advices the use of third-party sites like SendGrid to manage email. SendGrid can easily help you send email, but receiving emails is not so easy.


Installing an email client on the server won't help because the ports through which these clients need to communicate with other servers to receive emails remain blocked.

我的问题是,最简单的接收电子邮件的解决方案是什么? SendGrid的解决方案用于发送电子邮件,并且Compute Engine文档中对此进行了指定.我已经安装了postfix,但是所有发送到服务器的电子邮件都会收到超时错误,并且我的收件箱仍然为空.

My question is what's the easiest solution to receiving email? SendGrid's solution is for sending emails, and the Compute Engine Documentation specifies this. I've installed postfix but all emails to my server receive timeout errors, and my inbox remains empty.


TL; DR -您说的正确,外发电子邮件端口被阻止,但外发电子邮件端口没有被阻止.如果打开它们,然后运行一个邮件服务器来侦听传入的电子邮件-您仍然可以接收它们.您只需使用SendGrid之类的第三方电子邮件发件人网关即可发送电子邮件.

TL;DR - You're right outgoing email ports are blocked, but incoming email ports are not. If you open them, and run a mail server which listens for incoming emails - you can still receive them. You will need to use 3rd party email sender gateways like SendGrid only to send the emails.


All outgoing traffic to port 25/465/587 are blocked so that people do not abuse GCE for sending out spam, phishing, etc. emails.


You can still run a mail server which just receives emails. In other words, there is no mention that incoming traffic to those ports are blocked. By default GCE firewall blocks all incoming traffic. You will have to open up these listening ports using firewall rules.

这篇关于如何在Google Compute Engine上接收电子邮件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 01:45