本文介绍了使用 Parse 和 PubNub 的 Android 聊天应用指南的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试创建一个简单的 Android 聊天应用程序,用户可以在其中注册并拥有一个朋友列表来开始对话.我计划使用 Parse 作为数据库后端和 PubNub 用于实际聊天频道.

I am trying to create a simple Android chat app where a user can sign up and have a friends list to start conversations. I am planning on using Parse for the database backend and PubNub for the actual chat channels.


I do not have much experience with this kind of an App. I have an idea of what needs to be done but just wanted an opinion from someone who has some experience.


Here is the model that I am planning to implement:

  • 在注册页面上收集的用户个人资料信息将存储在 Parse 数据库的表中
  • 所有的用户好友关联都将存储在 Parse 的一个表中
  • 一旦用户选择一个朋友开始聊天,一个新的 PubNub 频道应该打开并且该频道名称应该存储在表中解析(此表包含所有活动频道/聊天)


Does this look like I am heading in the right direction? Or can something be done better? Or is there any other service that I could be using?


这种方法可行.您可以为每个用户对创建一个频道.您可能不需要将通道存储在解析中.你可以有一个命名约定——比如 channel_user1_user2除了标准的发布/订阅之外,我还建议使用历史 API 来赶上自上次连接以来用户可能错过的聊天消息.此外,您可以使用 pubnub 状态 api 来确定是否有任何用户在线

This approach would work. You could create a channel for every user pair. You may not need to necessarily store the channel in parse. You could just have a naming convention - something like channel_user1_user2In addition to standard publish/subscribe, I would also suggest using history api to catch up with chat messages that the user may have missed since the last connection. Also, you can use pubnub presence api to determine if any of the users are online

https://github.com/pubnub/java/tree/上的 android 示例master/android 展示了如何使用发布/订阅和历史

The android example at https://github.com/pubnub/java/tree/master/android shows how to use publish/subscribe and history

这篇关于使用 Parse 和 PubNub 的 Android 聊天应用指南的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 01:29