


So we have a service with simplified these two entities

public class Ticket {
/* simplified*/

  @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "ticket", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
  private Set<Grant> grants = new HashSet<>();

public class Grant {
/* simplified*/

  @ManyToOne(fetch = LAZY)
  @JoinColumn(name = UsageGrant.FK_TICKET, nullable = false)
  private Ticket ticket;

  @Column(name = "specialNumber", nullable = false)
  private Integer specialNumber;


I'd like to have a query that selects all tickets that contain a grant with a specific "specialNumber". The catch is that I want to have the ticket returned with all grants, not only the one matching. I tried it with

public interface TicketRepository extends JpaRepository<Ticket, String> {

@Query("SELECT DISTINCT ti FROM Ticket ti JOIN FETCH ti.grants g WHERE
g.specialNumber = :specialNumber "
  List<Ticket> findBySpecialNumberAndLoadAllGrantsOnTicket(
      @NotNull @Param("specialNumber") Integer specialNumber);

但是这给了我匹配的那个.我是否需要将其分为两个查询? Criteria API也无济于事,因为那里也不支持RIGHT JOIN.

but this gives me just the matching one. Do I need to split it up into two queries? Criteria API also doesn't help, because RIGHT JOIN is also not supported there.



SELECT g FROM Grant g LEFT JOIN FETCH g.ticket ti JOIN FETCH ti.grants WHERE g.specialNumber = :specialNumber


and accessing the ticket with g.getTicket(). The resulting query looks crazy and I'm not sure if this is a clever approach at all.



You can use @EntityGraph for fetch grants and query using JPA method for select by specialNumber

@EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"grants"})
public List<Ticket> findByGrantsSpecialNumber(Integer specialNumber);


@NamedEntityGraph(name = "Ticket.Grants", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode("grants") })
public class Ticket {

@EntityGraph(value = "Ticket.Grants", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
public List<Ticket> findByGrantsSpecialNumber(Integer specialNumber);


08-03 22:42