


So i'm writing an app that sends 5Kb packets out 15 times a second through UDP. I understand I will lose some packets but I seem to be losing all my packets after the first couple seconds. Even if I slow it down to send the 5Kb packets out once every 10 seconds I will still lose them. What would cause this?


这并不奇怪,他们都在下降。有效载荷bigger大于512字节是不可能做出来的网络。这取决于你的路由器MTU的多少带宽分配给UDP /互联网流量的路由器上。

It's not surprising that they are all dropped. A payload bigger than 512 bytes is unlikely to make it out of the network. It depends on the MTU of your router and how much bandwidth is allocated to UDP / internet traffic on the router.


07-24 01:20