我对docker swarm感到困惑。据我所知,运行集群的旧方法是在容器引擎为集群模式提供本机支持之前,在容器中运行管理器和工作器。旧的,有容器的群集的文档介绍了如何使用领事,etcd或zookeeper设置服务发现。服务发现是必要的,因为服务是在随机端口上运行以避免冲突,对吧?
I'm confused about docker swarm. As far as I know, the old way to run a swarm was to run manager and workers in containers, before docker engine provided native support for swarm mode. Documentation for the old, containerized swarm explained how to setup service discovery using consul, etcd or zookeeper. Service discovery is necessary, as services are ran at random ports to avoid collisions, right?
Documentation for the docker engine swarm mode doesn't explain how to setup service discovery. Now I'm confused, if the mechanism is included in swarm mode, or is the documentation incomplete.
Where I can find clear, up-to-date explanation of swarm mode, and how it relates to concepts like service discovery?
虽然@MagicMicky给出的答案是正确的,但我将尝试在Swarm Legacy和Swarm Legacy与关于服务发现的Swarm模式:
While the answer given by @MagicMicky is correct, I'll try to add more context on the difference between Swarm Legacy and Swarm Mode regarding Service Discovery:
具有Swarm Legacy的服务发现
使用 Swarm Legacy ,您必须部署自己的 Zookeeper ,领事或 Etcd 来管理集群拓扑,这意味着将节点分配为集群中的代理。这些分布式键/值存储用于运行状况监视和分布式锁定目的。 Swarm并没有使用它们来管理服务发现,而只是集群节点发现和监视。
Service discovery with Swarm Legacy
Using Swarm Legacy, you had to deploy your own Zookeeper, Consul or Etcd to manage the cluster topology meaning nodes being assigned as Agents in the cluster. These distributed Key/Value stores were used for health monitoring and distributed locking purposes. Those were not used by Swarm to manage service discovery but only cluster node discovery and monitoring.
如果您希望通过以下方式部署容器的服务发现蜂拥而至,您必须设置一个外部Consul / Registrator / DNS例如,并在这些解决方案上注册您的服务。在我看来,专门为Swarm构建的这种系统的一个示例是。
If you wanted Service Discovery for your containers deployed through Swarm, you had to setup an external Consul/Registrator/DNS for example and register your services on those solutions. An example on top of my mind of such a system built specifically for Swarm was Wagl.
使用更高版本的docker引擎( 1.11
),在创建覆盖网络和分配时,您还可以访问内置DNS容器到覆盖网络。在 1.11
之前,(有争议的)服务发现机制是通过 / etc / hosts
With later versions of the docker engine (1.11
), you also had access to an in-built DNS when creating overlay networks and assigning containers to an overlay network. Before 1.11
, the (controversial) mechanism for service discovery was to append service entries through /etc/hosts
In any case, overlay networking was not directly included with Swarm and this was a separate component requiring its own setup. It was more of an "add-on".
Generally the "philosophy" behind the first version of Swarm was to provide something simple and reliable to manage containers across hosts, if you needed more capabilities added to it, for example Service Discovery or Load Balancing, you had to roll your own.
自Docker 1.12
As of Docker 1.12
service discovery is directly included in docker through the Swarm mode with an embedded DNS and Load Balancer. Meaning there is no need for an external component to manage Service Discovery and Load Balancing anymore.
When you create a service and assign it to an overlay, its DNS name is registered and other services part of the overlay can access it through its service name. Tasks running for a service are properly Load Balanced using the built-in LB.
For Swarm mode, the "philosophy" is more about including everything out of the box (Certificate management and rotation, service discovery, load balancing, cluster metadata through an in-built datastore, networking, scheduling) to ensure that you have the most complete system possible from day one. You are still able to swap and replace some of the components if needs be.