本文介绍了租户没有 SPO 许可证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在尝试使用 Microsoft Graph 编写脚本以将 Excel 文件上传到 OneDrive 然后读取 Excel 文件时出错.

I have an error while trying to use Microsoft Graph to write a script to upload an Excel file to OneDrive then read the Excel file.

我关注了 Microsoft 文档 以在没有用户的情况下获取访问令牌.我成功获得了访问令牌,但在使用访问令牌调用 OneDrive API 时出错.

I followed Microsoft documentation to obtain the access token without user. I successfully got an access token but I got an error while using the access token to call the OneDrive API.


    "error": {
        "code": "BadRequest",
        "message": "Tenant does not have a SPO license.",
        "innerError": {
            "request-id": "5ec31d17-3aea-469f-9078-de3608f11d0d",
            "date": "2017-10-10T04:34:05"

我不明白为什么在调用图形 API 时需要拥有 SPO 许可证以及如何获得它.由于此错误消息,所以我正在尝试购买 SPO 许可证.

I don't understand why I need to have SPO license while calling graph API and how to get it. Because of this error message so I'm trying to buy a SPO license.

根据本文档,我认为我应该在许可证页面中看到许多产品,但是在使用 Azure 门户登录并转到许可证页面时,我只看到 2 个产品:Azure AD Premium 和 Enterprise Mobility Suite:

According to this document, I think I should see many products in the license pages but while logging in with Azure Portal and go to the License page, I see only 2 products: Azure AD Premium and Enterprise Mobility Suite:



背景:Microsoft Graph 是许多 Microsoft 云服务的开发人员网关或 API,例如 Office 365、Azure Active Directory、EMS(企业移动套件)、个人 Outlook、个人 OneDrive 等.API 的使用是免费的,但要访问其背后的数据,您需要实际拥有这些服务 - 在某些情况下它们可能是免费的,而在其他情况下您可能需要为它们付费.

Background: Microsoft Graph is the developer gateway or API to many Microsoft cloud services, like Office 365, Azure Active Directory, EMS (Enterprise Mobility Suite), personal Outlook, personal OneDrive and more. Use of the API is free, but to access the data behind it, you need to actually have those services - in some cases they may be free and in other cases you may need to pay for them.

关于将 Office 365 添加到现有租户.我相信您已经使用 Microsoft 帐户注册了 Azure.这意味着你已经有一个 Azure Active Directory 租户.您仍然可以为该租户购买/获取 Office 365.您需要做的就是在您的租户中创建一个新的 Azure AD 用户(不是 Microsoft 帐户),并让他们成为公司管理员.然后您应该能够注册 Office 365 - 如果它询问您是否已有租户或帐户,请使用您刚刚创建的 AAD 帐户登录.瞧,你应该有一个 Azure AD 租户,订阅了 Azure,现在订阅了 Office 365.

As for adding Office 365 to your existing tenant. I believe you've signed up for Azure using a Microsoft Account. This means that you already have an Azure Active Directory tenant. You can still purchase/acquire Office 365 for that tenant. All you need to do is create a new Azure AD user (not a Microsoft Account) in your tenant, and make them a company admin. Then you should be able to sign-up for Office 365 - if it asks if you already have a tenant or account, sign in with the AAD account you just created. And voila, you should have an Azure AD tenant with a subscription to Azure AND now a subscription to Office 365.


这篇关于租户没有 SPO 许可证的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 01:05