本文介绍了将容器绑定的Google Apps脚本部署为Web App的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用Apps脚本中的Google Docs API创建了一个拼写检查器(仅用于扩展Google Doc功能的脚本),并且我不想将此服务提供给将其下载为Web的用户应用。问题是,当我在脚本编辑器中创建了我的(容器绑定的)脚本时,它仅在我创建它的Google文档中可用 - 也就是说,如果我打开一个新文档,则无法使用该脚本。





<$ (e.parameter.docId){

$ / code $ / pre


$ b $ pre $ ScriptApp.getService()。getUrl()+?docId =+ DocumentApp.getActiveDocument() .getId()




I'm creating a spellchecker using the Google Docs API in an Apps Script (just a script that extends the functionality of a Google Doc), and I wan't to make this service available to users whom download it as a Web App. Problem is that when I've made my (Container-bound) script in the script editor, it is only available in the Google Document through which I created it - that is, if i open a new document, I cannot use the script.

If I "Deploy as Web App", make it available to everyone and paste the given URL, I get an error message saying that the script needs a function called doGet(), which is not in my script.

How do I go about to publish my script as a regular web app?


I would proceed by creating two scripts:the core functionality would be deployed as a Web App and a simple container-bound script would offer an interface to call the Web App.

Since the Web App is not bound to a document you may want to follow this scheme:

function doGet(e){

Now when you deploy the app you will get a link that gives you access to the functionality.

From the container-bound script you can add some UI (e.g. an Anchor element in a side-panel) that links to the web app with the appropriate parameters

ScriptApp.getService().getUrl() + "?docId=" + DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getId()

or use UrlFetchApp to get the results and display them in the UI.

Unfortunately this is not the same as adding the functionality across all your documents automatically, but rather a way to install only a relatively lightweight hook in each document where you want to add the functionality, instead of the full script.I am not aware of any method that can achieve that. Note that when you make a copy of a document, the copy will contain all its scripts so you can create a template for documents that need the additional functionality. This can get ackward though if you wish to mix and match multiple scripts.

The advantage of my method is that if you modify the core functionality, the change is immediately available to all your documents making use of it, with no need to update their scripts. On the other hand if the container-script needs to interact heavily with the UI it may get complicate and reduce the usefulness of separating it in two scripts.

这篇关于将容器绑定的Google Apps脚本部署为Web App的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 01:43